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c h a p t e r: 44
u n e d i t e d

I had no words. Did he really just say that to me, do you really mean what he said? Something deep inside me lit up. Justin looked at me, probably waiting for an answer. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out, so I closed it again.

"Oh" was all that came out after a few minutes and then I felt my lips form a smile. He returned it back to me. He could not keep his eyes away from the entrance of the school e, toward Justin's friends. He said he would never hurt me again, but he did not trust his friends, Matthew maybe, he seemed like a nice, kind boy. I swallowed and Justin realized my concern as he turned to follow my gaze.

"Justin, you started early, right?" Cameron's voice echoed through the room followed by the laughter of the others.

"Shut your mouth Cam!" He jumped and Cameron frowned.

"Hey pukey" Cameron and the others approached and was soon standing near us. His eyes looked at me, Justin, and then at me.

"Her name is Hope" Justin corrected him and it felt good to have him who defends me. Cameron's head turned in the direction of Justin as he heard the answer leave his lips. Everyone frowned except Justin, who had a serious facial expression as he looked at Cameron.

"Someone's getting something, did you give it a little Hope?" I was certain to say my real name and the others chuckled. I felt the heat on my face as I looked down. Then I felt Justin's hand sneaking around my waist as he approached me.

"Give her a break, Cam, just because she does not give you a little," Justin replied instead of me, and I was grateful. The bell rang and they left. I mentally thanked the bell, something that I never really paid attention to since we are usually on time.

"Do not mind them babe, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer," I laughed at his words and joined as I nodded.

"Thank you."


"For defending me, I'm very grateful for it."

I gave him a smile and he returned the gesture.

"No problem babe" he kissed me on the cheek. "Now go to class, I do not want you to be late," he chuckled as he walked away. I approached the class and sat in the back. I did not see Riley anywhere so check my phone.

From: Riles 🍄

I'm sick, I'm sorry. See you tomorrow, try not to have too much fun without me;)

I laughed at her message as I answered her.

To: Riles 🍄

Well, get well soon and I'll try. Lol;)

I was in French class with Mr. Rivier. He is a good teacher and looks very good. His hair was black and dark and he had a big white smile. It's my first lesson from Frances this year because Mr. Rivier has been at home with his newborn son, Laurent.

"Mesétudiants Bonjour" and the lesson begins. After an hour of the French language, it was finally lunch. I left my books in my locker and walked to the cafeteria. I took my lunch and sat where Sophia and I usually sat, but today I was alone. It was fine, I could only sit and calm down for a few minutes, which was a very nice change.

"Hey!" A raspy voice greeted and looked up and I saw the boy with familiar curly hair standing with his tray.

"Hi." I smiled and he just looked at me without saying anything, which made me frown.

"Did you want something?" I asked, still frowning and he came back to reality.

"Oh ... I'm sorry. I saw you sitting here alone so I was wondering if you wanted to sit with us at our table" He points to his table, where the others placed their food trays.

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now