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c h a p t e r: 22
u n e d i t e d

Riley and I walked to our last lesson. I did not tell her about the 'date', I just came back and sat quiet. Of course then your other questions came up like what you said outside the cafeteria but try to keep me quiet. I did not know what to say, so I just sat in silence for the rest of the day. When we said goodbye I just gave him a smile.

When I started walking Justin's words appeared in my head again. His words had been playing all day.

'Because it was a big mistake'

I did not really understand that part of the night he believed they were a big mistake, when he left me or that he invited me to leave from the beginning. I let out a sigh as I walked down the street.

"Hope!" I heard someone say but do not turn around. I just wanted to go home, watch TV and eat cookies for the rest of the day. I heard footsteps behind me and increased speed as the footsteps behind me became faster and stronger. My breathing becomes heavier and I can hear a faint breath behind me. My body stops suddenly and I turn around. The person was not ready for my return, so I stumble hard with someone's chest.

"Oh!" I'm about to fall, but someone holds me up.

"What the hell Hope? Why did not you stop when I called you?" Sigh.

"Justin, give me a reason why I should have turned around." He looked at me as if it were obvious.

"I wanted to talk."

"About what, we talked and you made things very clear to me! How big was the mistake of Saturday night, how you left me for your friends."

When he left he really felt like a slap in my face and the thought of him feeling ashamed of eating with me made me uncomfortable. If he did not like it, he could just stop talking to me, ask me to go to dinner with him and take me to his house so he can be with his friends.

"Can not you leave that behind?" His words made my eyes open and my mouth even in shock.

"Leave that behind !? Are you kidding me Justin?" I yelled at him and he just chuckled.

"What the hell's so fun for you, asshole?" He smiled at me.

"It's just that you're making a big mess of it."

"Oh fuck you, Justin." and that was the first time I cursed someone. I've been upset or sad, but I've never said a bad word to them, ever. But now the rage was all over my body.

"Strong words for a little stupid junkie like you" I was in pure shock. This was not the Justin who had been walking home with me or who invited me out or even kissed me. I started to see the real Justin that everyone was talking about.

Every word my brother spoke about him began to make sense.

"And no one ever talks to me like that, I'm Justin Bieber. I can do or undo you babe and by now you've fallen off the edge. We'll see you at school tomorrow." Then he walked away. He left me once more standing by myself, but this time not sad or angry. This time I was scared. I felt goose bumps and how the too familiar feeling took over my body, the feeling I have not felt since I got here.

Gosh darn it Justin!!

- Sam 💞

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