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c h a p t e r:  38
u n e d i t e d

Justin's lips felt so soft and I felt my body begin to calm down. As his lips were on mine, every nerve in my body calmed down. Every problem disappeared. Neither of us walks away. His big hands held my face, after a while they went to my hips, and pulled me towards his body. Then he slowly walked away, looked me in the eye. 

"Wow" I did not know what to say. He smiled and showed a pair of beautiful and adorable dimples. 

"Do you feel better now?" He asked and I shook my head. 

"May I ask why you kissed me when your girlfriend is in the store on the other side of the street?" 

He looked at me and gave me a shrug. "I read online somewhere that if kiss someone when they're having a panic attack, it helps calm them down." He smiled and I blushed. "And she's not my girlfriend, at least not anymore." His smile faded.

"Oh ... I'm sorry." I gave him a sympathetic smile and he smiled back at me.

"It's okay, I just never liked it. It's a put-" He interrupted himself, not wanting ,e to hear his hard words about this girl. "I'm sorry, I'm not going to bore you with that. Do you want me to drive you home?"

"No, It's okay. Riley will take me" I answered as we left the alley and he nodded as he headed for his car.

I look where Riley parked but her car was not anywhere to be seen. I take a look at my phone and I seen a late message from Riley, I probably didn't hear it.

From: Riles 🍄 

I had to go, I'm sorry!! I was thinking that Justin could take care of you! ;)

I blushed at her words. I looked around to see if Justin was still here and he was about to jump into his car. I walked quickly to his car and he looked at me with a smile.

"On that offer, can I still say yes?" He laughed and jumped back and turned her around to open the passenger's door. 

"Of course my love, come in" he opened the door and entered as I thanked him. He was very nice at times and makes me forget how stupid he had been. I knew she was going to look like a corny woman who only forgave him for what she did, but it still will not happen, not now. Just because he takes me home does not mean I'm sorry. He got in and started the car and left the parking lot.

"Hope ... I know I've said this before and I know you will not accept it, but I'm really sorry for what I did to you." He stopped the car in the middle of the road and I started to panic. He can not stand here, he'll kill us both. He is lucky that the traffic is very quiet, us being the only ones on the road. 

"Justin! You can not stop you here" I yelled and I looked at him as if he were an alien. 

"Just calm down and listen to me. I'll reward you by taking you to dinner." My heart and body froze. 


"You heard me" I heard a big truck from behind start honking to get us moving, but Justin stayed still. 

"Justin drive! You're  going to kill us!" I panicked and he just chuckled.

"Answer me and I will." The car was only a few steps behind and my eyes were huge, this guy is crazy 

"Well yes, now drive!" He pushed the accelerator pedal to the floor and the car left. I sank into my seat and a wave of relief hit my body as hard as that truck could've hit us.

"Well, then I'll pick you up at 8:00 in the morning," he said and I could hear the smile on his lips. 

"You're crazy, you know that?" I chuckled and he joined me. The rest of the car ride was talking and talking about how crazy he was and he defended himself. We stopped in front of my house I jump out of the car. 

"Then we'll see each other tomorrow night." He smiled at me and winked at me. I came in with a big smile on my face. I'm really crazy.


She's really crazy! Do you not remember what he did last time you went on dinner with him?
Ughhh hope.

Let me know what you think!


I love you guys <3

- Sam 💞

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