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c h a p t e r: 33
u n e d i t e d

I did not care at the moment what he had done to me. What mattered was this moment. His lips felt incredible on mine. They were so warm and soft. I felt him stop dancing and squeezed his grip on my waist. He pulled my body closer to him. My hands went to her hair pulling her head even closer to mine. I felt his tongue on my lower lip, asking for input. I did not want to give it to him yet, but when I felt him bite my lower lip toward him as he felt his enthusiasm give a little groan. Slowly he thrust his tongue into my mouth. I've never done this before, so this is my first time. I think he noticed and smiled at the kiss. We backed away and looked into each other's eyes. His were still dark and had more of a spark inside, I smiled and he returned the gesture. He gave me a light kiss on the lips so he grabbed my arm and took me with him. We walked outside to his car. We jumped in and left. We stopped in front of a huge house or it was not a house, it was a mansion. He came over and opened the car door.

"What a gentleman!" I said dragging the words, still very drunk. We laughed on our way in and drove through the large mansion. We walked to the second floor and then the inside of a room, probably his room. It was simply beautiful like the rest of the house. I turned and Justin pressed our lips again.

I woke up by a strong light hitting my face. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw the sunlight through the window, an unknown window. I looked around and saw a beautiful at the same time unknown room. The walls were creamy gray. The huge double bed was in the center of the room. In front of the bed was a flat screen TV and right next to a huge closet. In the right corner there was a desk and in front of a few feet there were two chairs in the living room and behind them was a huge window. The bed was covered with a thin white sheet.

Where am I ?

I looked over to my side and saw a bunch of hair at the top of a bare, ink-covered body, Justin. I quickly got out of bed and felt the headache. I felt my stomach turn and ran to the bathroom. Lift the toilet lid and let it all out.


I woke up slowly. Shaking my arm, I did not feel anyone, it was empty and half warm. I quickly sat down in front of the bed and heard a sound in the bathroom, it sounded like someone was throwing up. I stood up and walked over to her, hoping Hope was there. When I opened the door, Hope sat on her knees, her hair covering most of her upper body. My white shirt did not cover everything, and gives me a good view of his cute little ass. Then she rose once more. I walked over to her and picked her hair out of the way, helping her. Something that felt good.


I heard someone open the door, but my head felt too heavy to annoy me even to look. I felt someone sitting next to me. His rough and large hands picked up all my hair. I looked up and saw Justin in only his boxers, made me blush to see him in so little clothes. But I quickly looked away as I felt my stomach emptied again

"Let it go, just get it all out." I heard Justin's sexy morning voice. It was even darker and even more hoarse than usual. His other hand rubbed circles on my back and it was very relaxing to feel his hands on my back. I felt horrible at the time. I had no idea why I had drunk so much and that I ended up here, in Justin's bathroom. My stomach decided to pause and I sat down again and looked at Justin.

"How you feel?" I wondered and he looked at me.

"Awful, I can not believe I let this happen, especially after the last time," I said and looked at him. I could not take my eyes off her incredible body. Each muscle was very well toned, his skin looked amazing and his tattoos filled most of his body. There was silence for a moment, then he broke it.

"I am sorry"


Omg Justin's sorry??

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- Sam 💞

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