
154 11 1

c h a p t e r: 13
u n e d i t e d

"You got what?" She looked at me with a shocked expression, her mouth slightly open and her eyes wide.

"I got bullied." I mumbled again and looked down at my cup of tea. I was ashamed of it and I didn't want people to know about it, its embarrassing. I had always ignored the topic when it was brought up.

"I'm so sorry Hope, but I just can't get it together. The nicest person I've ever met, you're funny and you are hella fucking pretty." I looked at her, still with the same expression on her face, and gave her a smile as a thank you for her kind words.

"Then last night must've hard for you, I mean about what Ciara said about what would happen." She concluded and I nodded.

"Yeah, I didn't want it to be like before." The tears started to form on my eyes. I tried to blink them away but one single tear fell down my cheek.

"Oh come here" Riley said and pulled me into her arms. It felt good, like someone cared. Shes the only one that I've told outside of my family. It felt good, really good.

"Please don't tell anyone. You're the first to know other than my family." I looked at her with pleading eyes.

"I won't." She looked at me and smiled.

"They are stupid people who are stupid enough to lose a lovely girl like you, I promise you that I will always be here for you." She gave me another smile which I returned. I wiped away the tears and soon heard familiar voices filling the room. We turned out heads towards the door and saw them.

They walked inside, casual clothes and some of them had raybands and snapbacks. I didn't know what to do, they couldn't see me, not after last night. I sank down in my sear and pulled up the hoddie a little to coved my face. Riley looked at them and then at me.

"Oh my gosh!" She whispered and her eyes widened.

"What?" I whispered and slowly turned my head in their direction, they were talking towards us.

"Hello ladies, had fun last night?" I heard an unfamiliar voice, Cameron. I've never talked to him, but I've seen him with Justin and his crew at the party last night. He seemed nice.

"Great" Riley says and I contuine to hide my face as much as i can. I look at Justin and noticed that he looked me, I felt the heat rise on my cheeks, and I look away.

"you have fun pukey?" Cameron said and they all laughed. Okay maybe he isnt nice.

"Hey don't call her that. She has a name." Riley said and stood up.

"Oh I'm so scared, what are you going to do, huh?" Cameron said and they laughed again.

"Hey don't talk to her like that" I heard Justin say.

"Well we you girl, bye pukey." Cameron said and they all laughed, once again. I felt that familiar bad feeling in my stomach, it was slowly starting again.

"Just ignore him, he's a douche." She said as she let out a sigh. We said goodbye to each other and I walked home. As I walked inside, I heard my mother yell.

"Hope Marie Thompson where have you been all night? Me and your father have been worried sick." She shouted at me

"I slept at a friends house." I said looking down at my hands.

"A friends house, so that's what they call it these days." She rolled her eyes.

"No, I promise mom I slept at Riley's." I said looking into her eyes. Jake then came down the stairs with wet hair, he had probably just been at practice

"Hey Hope, did you have fun last night?" He gave me a smile.

"Yeah..." He heard my voice sink at the end and frowned. I didn't want to tell him, espically if mom can here.

"I'm glad you had fun sweetie but please call next time. We've have just ste and dad needed to work but do you want lunch? " I shook my head, no and walked towards my bedroom.. I laid down onto my bed and relaxed..


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I took a quick shower, the familiar butterflies appeared in my stomach just like the first day of school. I put my uniform skirt, instead of jeans today, on and my white shirt. I lightly curled my hair and put on a little bit if makeup. I then went downstairs and ate breakfast quickly. And then I walked to school. I walked inside and tries to get as little attention as a person can get. Keyword: tried.

"Oh look, there's Pukey."

Wow look at that nickname?

What do you think of it? It's kind of mean huh :/

- Sam 💞

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