chapter 1

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*We see Izuku sitting in an interrogation room, his handcuffed to the table, and Izuku whistling without a care in the world. The door opened, and in came two people.*
Izuku: Oh my, I must be lucky to be in the presence of principal Ozpin and vice principal Nezu. What do I owe the pleasure?
Ozpin:I should say we're the lucky ones. Let's just take a look at your file.
Izuku: What're you going to forgive my crimes in exchange for me to rat out Roman?
Nezu: Do you know how many crimes we would be forgiving if we did that?
Izuku: Oh, that's not that bad.
Glynda came to the room with a huge mountain of paper the size of nezu and put it on the table.
Izuku: Wow, this is really shocking. 
Nezu: What is your feeling of regret for your crimes?
Izuku: No, I just thought there would be more 
Nezu: Well, to be fair, this is just the crimes that we know of.
Izuku: Ah, that makes sense, because I've done a lot of bad stuff.
*Izuku said it, laughing. Glynda glared at him, and Izuku just smiled at her.
Izuku: See something you like, darling?
Glynda scoffed, staying behind the two.
Izuku: She wants me.
Ozpin: Unless she wants to go to jail, I would have to disagree. 
Nezu: Let's see what we have here. grand theft auto, grand theft auto, grand theft auto, dog fraud
Izuku: Ah, yes, I sold a guy a fake husky that was a cat.
Ozpin: You will not win us over with your use of
Izuku: I wasn't trying too.
Ozpin: Were you getting off track? Tell me, what do you know about your family?
Izuku: My mother's name is Inko Midoriya. She is a simple wolf, a faunus woman, and the kindest woman you'll ever meet.
Glynda, how do you think she'll feel when she sees you like this?
Izuku: No clue she died when I was like 5
*Glynda flinched at that since this time Izuku actually looked sad, if even for a moment*
Ozpin: Sorry to hear that. What did she die of?
Izuku:a treatable cancer
Nezu: If it was treatable, why did she die?
Izuku: Because we were poor and didn't have money.
*Izuku said in a low voice, his hand into his fists, remembering what happened.*
Ozpin:I see, and you're father?
Izuku:never met the bastard but hate with a burning passion.
Ozpin: And why is that?
Izuku: Because he abandoned me and my mother! He got my mom pregnant with me and left. He never made contact or sent child support; he just left me and my mom to die. 
Nezu:I see, so you blame him for her death.
Izuku; I don't blame him; I know he is responsible! If he had sent money, she would have been fine!! 
*Izuku slammed his hands at the table, breaking it and the chains of paper going everywhere. Izuku was growling loudly, thinking of him to everyone's surprise. Glynda walked up to him and hugged him. Izuku took a few deep breaths and calmed down.
Zuku mumbled, looking down as Glynda let go and went back behind her bosses.
Izuku: a word of advice This topic is a trigger word for me.
Ozpin:It looks like I need to have a word with Qrow after this."
Nezu: We've gotten off track here, Izuku. We want to make a deal that will keep you out of jail and, in turn, piss Ironwood off. 
*Izuku smirked at that*
Izuku:im listening 
Ozpin: Is that really that easy?
Izuku: What can I say? Is there any chance to make Iron Dick angry? Is there a chance I'm going to take you? You should have seen his face when I permanently borrowed one of his experimental guns.
Ozpin: It did take him a month to know it was missing. 
Izuku:HA! So what's this deal, you?
*The door slammed open, revealing a very pissed-off James Ironwood. Izuku gave him a big smile.*
James:ozpin rat I don't know what deal you made with this.
Izuku:handsome, smart, better than you pick one. 
*James just growled at him, pointing his gun, while Izuku just played with his nails, not a care in the world.*
Ozpin: James, put your gun down, and Izuku, as for your deal, we give you a chance.
*Izuku raised an eyebrow.*
Izuku: A chance at what?
Nezu: Why to be a hero, of course!
Ozpin: Yes, we want you to come to our school and become a hero or hunter. We don't get a lot of faunus, and we have a spot available. 
James: No, absolutely not!!
Izuku: How come you have a spot available?
James: Don't ignore me!!
Ozpin: We rejected one applicant who tried to come here with fake information.
Nezu: You've met him?
Izuku:one of his older sisters, a fine piece of...
Glynda: We get the point.
Izuku: Aww, feeling jealous?
Glynda is starting to regret hugging you.
The conversation stopped when James slammed his arm against a wall, breaking it.
Ozpin: You're going to pay for that. 
James: Am I the only one here who sees this as a bad idea? He's a criminal; he needs to be locked away in jail!!
Ozpin:hardly he's 16; he has made some
Ozpin makes mistakes, but he still has a chance to turn his life around with some help. 
James growled, frustrated.
James: Fine, but I have conditions!
Izuku, I mean, not like you have a say in this...
Izuku, I'm just saying 
James:1 I want to be informed about everything that happens to him; he doesn't breathe without my knowledge.
Ozpin and Nezu:denied 
James:2 I want him to use an ankle monitor at all times!
Ozpin: I was already planning to do that, but sure
James: We get to plant bugs and cámaras in his house!!
Ozpin: And denied since he's going to be living on campus, Nezu already has eyes and ears everywhere, plus before that, he's going to be living with someone we choose.
Izuku: Oh goody, can I at least grab my toothbrush?
James left, stomping. Izuku saw outside the door and saw Winter waiting for her captain. They locked eyes. Izuku smirked at her. She just frowned as she left with Ironwood.
Izuku: So where am I going to stay?
Ozpin: You're going to stay with Glynda Goodwith
Scene change 
*We see Izuku and Glynda driving in silence in Glynda's car until Glynda's parked the car.*
Glynda: Alright, listen up. I'm only saying this one: keep your hands to yourself if I find anything missing. You're a deadman. You try to escape. You're a deadman. You insult me or my partner. You're...
Izuku: A Deadman got it. Relax. It's only until they build the dorm that I promise to be on my best behavior. 
Glynda: Your promise doesn't mean a whole lot.
Izuku: Oh, how did you wound me? Come on, I'm tired. It's been a very long day. 
*Izuku got out of the car, Glynda. Soon after they went to the door, Glynda unlocked it before stopping.
Glynda:i I should warn you, my wife is a bit much. 
Izuku: really showing your love there.
*Izuku chuckled, making Glynda frown. Opening the door, there was an aroma of a freshly cooked meal. Walking inside, they see Nemuri Goodwitch.

Nemuri: Darling, you're here, and you must be Izuku. So glad to meet you. 
Izuku: The pleasure is mine. I assure you, what a lovely place you got here, and the food smells wonderful all that for little old me.
Nemuri: Yes, I just wanted to make you feel welcome in your new home!
Glynda looked at her wife with concern.
Izuku: Well, thank you very much. I'm honored. Let's eat. It smells delicious. 
They sat down and started eating.
Nemuri: So, Izuku, tell me a bit about yourself. 
Izuku: Well, my name is Izuku Midoriya, and I'm a quirkless wolf faunus. Well, technically quirkless. 
Glynda, what do you mean technically?
Izuku: Don't worry about it, let's just say I'm a rare breed of faunus. I'm also known as the famous Japanese thief, Mr. Wolf.
Nemuri: OK, but what do you do for fun?
Izuku:annoy people stealing 
Nemuri: I mean legal fun!
Izuku:oh...umm... I guess training, reading, listening to music, stuff like that.
Glynda; You don't sound sure.
Izuku: Well, it's been a while since I thought about this stuff.
Glynda: You mean teenage stuff? 
Izuku: Well, yeah, if you put it like that, it sounds bad.
*They kept eating and having small conversations ever now, and then after a while, Nemuri went to her room, not before giving Izuku a kiss on the forehead.*
Nemuri:goodnight izuku~!
*Izuku looked so confused. He looked at Glynda, who looked sad, but replaced that with a steely look, taking him to his new room.*
Glynda: This is where you're going to sleep from now on. The windows are bolted shut, so don't even think about it.
*Izuku walked inside, and Glynda closed the door with a lock and key. Glynda walked to her room to see Nemuri giggling to herself while writing in her journal. Glynda softly closed the door, holding the knob.
Glynda: So...what's you working on?
Nemuri:oh! Glynda, you scared me by just thinking about what we can do with Izuku tomorrow. I'm so excited that we could go to the park or maybe the pool, OH! ice cream, everybody likes ice cream!
*Nemuri stopped looking at the ground, putting her hand on her stomach and rubbing it softly.*
Glynda: You know he's...
Nemuri:I know! ...I know he's not him. I'm not trying to replace him; no one can replace our baby.
*Nemuri could feel tears start coming down her face*
Glynda:Neri I'm sorry, I. I didn't mean to make you relieved when...
*Glynda stopped herself, but it's too late; the thought is up in the air now.*
Nemuri: When I had the miscarriage...
*Nemuri wiping the tears away didn't help the overwhelming feeling of depression inside her. Glynda walked up to her and hugged her. Nemuri hugged back, choking up on her tears.
Nemuri: I'm not trying to replace him. I'm not an idiot, but... this could be a sign that this could be a second chance to have a child.
Glynda hated being the voice of reason, but she had to be the strong one.
Glynda:neri, he's already 16.
Nemuri:so? That doesn't mean we can't adopt him! He has a dark past, but we can help him.
Glynda; You're not backing down on this, are you?
Nemuri giggled, rubbing her face on her wife's neck and making her sigh.
Glynda: Fine, we'll give it a shot. Just take it slow, don't start, and don't get your hopes up, alright?
Nemuri nods before letting go of the hug; her eyes are already puffy.
Nemuri: Let's go to bed. I'm tired..
Glynda: Go to bed; I'll be there in a minute. I have to use the bathroom. 
*Nemuri went to bed, and Glynda went to the bathroom. As soon as she closed the door, the crack opened, letting her tears fall freely with her hand in her mouth to muffle her sobs.
Meanwhile, with Izuku
*We see him sleeping, his face crouched up as he moves a little side to side*
In Izuku's head
*We see Izuku seeing little Izuku playing around the small apartment; it was the day before his 4th birthday.*
Izuku: I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm going to get a super strong quirk. I just know it!
*Izuku heard a giggle. He knew all too well, and he closed his eyes hard, making his hands into fists. He's been in this memory so much that he knows it by heart.*
Inko/Izuku: Oh, and why is that baby?
Izuku/izuku: Because when I get my quirk, I'm going to become a super strong hero and save you! I'll become rich and famous, and you won't ever have to worry about money or food again!!
*Little Izuku said with a huge smile while real Izuku could feel the tears coming.*
Inko/izuku: Oh, baby, you don't have to do that. I'm already rich with love for you. I don't need anything.
ing else
*inko hugged little Izuku*
Real world
*Izuku opened his eyes; he could feel the tears that already fell as he looked at the ceiling, breathing unevenly.*
Izuku: Rich in love. What a load of crap love didn't keep you alive.
*Izuku turned his back to the door and closed his eyes, forcing himself to fall asleep.*

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