chapter 29

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*we see izuku running through the halls while sloppily putting on his tie when he was stopped by telekinesis that made izuku flinch his eyes widen a bit as he thought it was someone else*


*Izuku said his voice had a bit of hope in it as his eyes showed hurt*

Glynda:what did you just call me?

*Izuku flinched and he was turned around and saw a very confused Glynda goodwitch and nemuri goodwitch who was vibrating with happiness izuku shook his head and gave his two caregivers his usual fake smile*

Nemuri:did he just call you...

Izuku:sorry about that my...mother had the same power

Glynda:ah makes more sense

*Glynda said crossing her arms both ignoring nemuri who was comedically hugging her legs on a corner with a depressed aura around her*

Glynda:now care to tell me why your running like a mad man through the halls of the school?

Izuku:because i cannot be late i need to make a good impression on Weiss

Glynda:miss schnee? Why would you need to do that?

Izuku:oh i got a date with her at 6 and i lost track of the time it's only...

*Izuku checked his scroll and did a double take*

Izuku:5:09? But ho...oh that son of a bitch i am so getting him back

Glynda:care to fill in?

Izuku:Ren played me dirty if i had to guess him and Nora are having a real good time right about now

Glynda:really now well let me help with that

*Glynda took out her scroll and texted someone*

Izuku:what did you do?

Glynda:oh i just texted recovery girl that old bat would just love to teach does two about safe sex

*Glynda said with a smirk, Izuku snorted and was interrupted by someone holding his shoulders*

Nemuri:wait a minute...did you say you have...a date?

Izuku:yup but now I'm in no rush i got like 51 minutes before i meet her

Nemuri:fantastic that means me and Glyn-Glyn can give you some advice!

Glynda:and it wouldn't kill you to fix your hair

*Glynda said fixing izuku's tie and straightening his vest*

Izuku:well i don't think i have a choice I'm worried what nemuri mental state would be if i said no

Glynda:i can tell you she would watch trashy romance dramas while eating ice rum cream

Nemuri:hey I'll have you know that the tales of the Raul the Grimm lover is not trashy! And it's not any worse then you crying at Pixar films!

Glynda:i did not cry!!

Nemuri:you were balling like a baby when the toys were holding hands in the 3rd one

Glynda:they were about to die and accepted there death!

Izuku:ladies ladies your both pretty but need i remind you I'm on a time limit here?

Nemuri:right let's take him to our office I'm sure we can leave Weiss breathless!

Meanwhile with Ruby

Ruby:sorry I'm late!!

*Ruby said out of breath as she managed to make it at the meeting 2 minutes late*

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