chapter 70

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Izuku:you let me live....

*Izuku whispered on Adams ear as he fell to his knees and then collapsed on the ground in a pool of his own blood being stabbed in the heart by his own sword and by the friend he trusted the most, he looked up as his vision was getting blurry his eyelids heavier and he saw izuku transforming back in to his human form smiling at him*

*Izuku whispered on Adams ear as he fell to his knees and then collapsed on the ground in a pool of his own blood being stabbed in the heart by his own sword and by the friend he trusted the most, he looked up as his vision was getting blurry his ...

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Izuku:don't worry brother i promise our people will be free, shame that you won't be around to see it


*The room was quiet as everyone saw the leader of the coup dead on the ground in a pool of his own blood. Izuku coughed to get there attention as he walked over the dead body and looked at the faunus before him*

Izuku;my people you all know me, I've saved many of you so i hope you all give me your ears to explain why i just did what i did

*Izuku got no response so he continued looking down at the dead body of the person he saw as a brother in all but blood with sadness, the people saw a tear fall from his face as he took a shaky breath*

Izuku: you've all know my feeling for Adam he saved me when we first met he and me quickly became brothers. So what i just did was heartbreaking but it was the only way to save him

Sienna:my mate what do you mean by that?

*Sienna said walking towards him and placing his hand on his shoulder for support. Izuku activated his silver eye and multiple photos, documents, video evidence, etc. And every single one being completely fake and made up by izuku and cinder's people*

Izuku:all of this is my prove, our beloved right had was captured and brainwashed in to being a spy for atlas!

*That caused gasped to fill the room, izuku could smell the smoke of the fire of rage he was making. Sienna took some of the pictures and looked at them, seeing the bull faunus in that chair wires stuck to his head it made Sienna sick and her hatred for humans grew*

Sienna:this is monstrous these vile creatures are no better then Grimm!

Izuku;i couldn't agree more my tigress. When i found out i couldn't believe my own eyes, i wished i was wrong i searched and searched for a cure but there was none at least now our brother Adam suffering is over and he will be remembered as the brave man he was not the shell this abomination is

*Izuku said in disgust kicking the body down the flight of stairs. Izuku looked at the faunus his eyes told all of his raw powerful emotions*

Izuku:my people aren't you sick and tired of this treatment?! To be used by the humans! To be treated like we're lower then them when in reality we're there superiors!


Izuku:i say it's about time we stop taking this abuse! I say it's about time we take this fight to them!! My people join me and your new empress sienna Khan!!

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