chapter 62

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*we see izuku looking down from his window his teammates and team RWBY going with professor oobleck, izuku had to pretend to be sick to get out of this but it will be worth it as he took out the piece of paper he got at junior's*

Izuku:xxxx xxxx xxxx i am going to enjoy this

*Izuku said softly as he opened the window and jumped down mid fall he transformed in to a huge crow and flew off how no one saw him izuku will never know*

Scene change

*We see izuku leaning against a wall as he smoked he coughed a bit as he hasn't giving in to his habits since entering BUA, but today was different. today was necessary he heard the light feet of Adam from behind him as he lifted another cigarette which Adam took and smoked as well*

Adam:feel humiliated that a human found him before me

Izuku:a human with very good connections so don't beat yourself up

Adam:what are we waiting for?

Izuku:another soul that this bastard has forever damaged



Adam:I'll tolerate then

*Soon enough they both heard the sound of an engine turning off in front of them they looked and saw penny izuku frown slightly, he didn't like this*

*penny should be smiling, she shouldn't have that look on her face, with a sigh he let the cigarette fall from his mouth and squashed it with his feet was penny made her way to them*

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*penny should be smiling, she shouldn't have that look on her face, with a sigh he let the cigarette fall from his mouth and squashed it with his feet was penny made her way to them*

Penny:where is he?

Izuku: there's an underground laboratory under the building behind me he's there doing god knows what, we go in quietly  the doctor still has that fucking controller if he finds out I'm here in screwed

*Both nodded izuku cracked his neck ad they walked to the back and waited, after a few moments the back door opened and out came a group of the doctor's minions in one swift motion all 3 ran behind them, Adam and penny stabbed there target while izuku snapped his target's neck, they didn't say anything they grabbed there lab coats and masks putting them on before they walked inside izuku ripped a security system out of the wall showing it's inner workings*

Izuku: penny connect  now

*Penny did as she was told as her thumb flipped open revealing a USBC cord that connected to what remained of the machine. She looked through floor after floor from the security cámaras until she found the target*

Penny:level 57

Adam: where's the security room?

Penny:level 43

Adam:I'll head there and make sure no backup get in the way

Izuku: you're a good friend

Adam:no, I'm a good brother

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