chapter 18

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*few hours after izuku's beat down we see him walking to ozpin office next to Glynda and nemuri, nemuri trying to get Glynda to talk to her Glynda still angry that she gave izuku basically a spa day*

Nemuri:come on Glyn-Glyn he needed it plus it was a good bonding time

*Nemuri said showing her nails Glynda rolled her eyes*

Glynda:you're too soft on him

Izuku:oh you did it she's talking to you

*Glynda glared at the two morons as they high-5 each other mistake for izuku as he winced still a bit tender not having aura his wounds healed longer even with recovery girl's help, nemuri glared equally as hard at Glynda*

Nemuri:and you're too hard on him making him fight someone as Miss Nikos have you lost you're mind? That girl can fight as good as 3rd years the only reason ozpin doesn't move her up is because of her other grades

Izuku:to be fair she does study she just gets nervous in tests that don't involve stuff like swords or other fighting stuff like that

*Both adults looked at izuku who shurgged*

Izuku:i am her team leader and we do study sessions with everyone in my team so i know personally she gives it her all

*They conversation didn't evolve more from that as they made it to ozpin office izuku opened the door for them Glynda only gave a small nod of appreciation and nemuri smiled at him as they made it inside they see ozpin with toshinori and a old lady*

*They conversation didn't evolve more from that as they made it to ozpin office izuku opened the door for them Glynda only gave a small nod of appreciation and nemuri smiled at him as they made it inside they see ozpin with toshinori and a old lady*

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Ozpin:ah Midoriya please sit down you already know you're sensei toshinori Yagi and let me introduce you to..

Izuku:nana Shimura aka the fearless hero always thought that was an arrogant name if you ask me

*Izuku said as he sat down next who was writing paperwork looked at young izuku*

Izuku:how did you know her? She's an old hero

Nana:hey you rat i can still kick you're ass!!

Izuku:know you're enemy and he will never be able to defeat you i knew sooner or later i would meet all might in my...let's say adventures and i needed to find his weakness

*Nana and toshinori flinched* you know..

Izuku:that you're "quirk" it's actually the mixed of a stockpile quirk and Grimm energy? Yup did you know that?!

*Toshinori said scared that his secret is compromised but izuku didn't really care*

Izuku:oh you lovable idiot i know a lot of things but yours ofa told me himself he hired me and my team for a mission and after well let's just say ofa loves himself a stiff one if you catch my drift

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