chapter 39

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I'm back

*the rescue team landed on the cold hard ground groaning they looked up and saw raven flying down and transforming back to her human form*

Ruby:that's cheating...

*Ruby mumbled as Pyrrha helped her up ruby grabbed her hand and got up smiling on her ruby looked around where they landed*

*Ruby mumbled as Pyrrha helped her up ruby grabbed her hand and got up smiling on her ruby looked around where they landed*

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Ruby:Jesus fuck this is my brother's brain?

Raven:this is how he sees himself yes, if i had to guess i say izuku is in that tower at the distance the bright light must be his good memories

Toshinori: then what are we waiting for let's go!

Raven:fine just don't touch anything last thing we need is to wake up the minds safety measures

*They nodded and started to walk the light mist that was covering the area became bigger and thicker as soon the rescue team couldn't see 3 inches from there faces*

Raven: shit grabbed on to each other the mind knows we're here

*But it was too late the mist engulfed them all sending them to different parts of the brain*

With raven and nemuri

*Nemuri fell on the cold hard as raven again just flew down in her bird form*

Nemuri:ruby was right that is cheating

Raven:just get up we better get going before the inner izuku comes sniffing around

Nemuri:wait isn't that a good thing?

Raven:oh God no the inner self protects the mind, and since we came without permission all 6 of us are seen as enemies

Nemuri:so where are we now?

Raven:we landed inside one of izuku's memories hopefully it won't be a painful one since we're not getting out until the memory is over

*Nemuri nodded and got up both woman walked around the room was dark and old it looked like an abandoned building,rats and roaches moving around the cold air coming from the broken window sending them to tremble raven glanced at the kitchen piles and piles of dishes on the sink multiple letters from eviction notices overdue power and water bills etc*

Nemuri:what is this place?

*Raven grabbed nemuri and hid in the closet*


Raven:shhh we can't let the memory see us that will turn bad fast and i heard someone coming

*They looked at the crack of the door and saw little izuku in his arms full of groceries*

Nemuri"how is this a bad memory?"

Inko:izuku is that you?

Izuku:y...yeah mommy it's me!

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