chapter 52

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Izuku:well then my fellow Mama's boy shall we get to work?

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Izuku:well then my fellow Mama's boy shall we get to work?


*Izuku and jaune walked inside with izuku having to all but hold jaune's hand since he was so stubborn he almost walked right on the line sight of the cámaras*

Izuku:will you stop it? If they caught you, im screwed and trust me you won't like what i will do if you screw this for me

Jaune:and what exactly will you do to me?

Izuku:who said i would attack you? I'm not the only one who has poor defenseless loved ones

*Jaune eyes showed anger as he was about to grab izuku, but izuku grabbed him first and threw him behind a dumpster with him joining soon after both hearing footsteps walking away*

Izuku:crap what are atlas soldiers doing here at this time at night

*Izuku muttered to himself as the footsteps got farther away izuku and jaune got out of there hiding place, izuku signaled jaune to give him a boost he does and izuku climbs inside a window, he gives jaune his hand and both climb inside a janitors room, once inside of BUA they've kept walking both using there animalistic sense of hearing to listen in for anyone coming close to them*

Jaune:your wrong by the way

Izuku: about what? About your Mistress? I'm not the one who's working under cinder, you say Salem told you, you had soooo much potential and yet she didn't make you the leader cinder is, if this was a game of chess you wouldn't be a knight or a bishop you would be a rook, powerful yes but can only go one way you have the physical strength of a leader but not the mind of one if you did you would see that Salem is simply telling you what you want to hear the second you stop being useful she will throw you out like trash

*Jaune grabbed izuku by his collar and pinned him against the wall with a furious expression while izuku kept a neutral face*

Izuku:the actions of someone who could never be a leader right here since a leader is supposed to listen to his soldiers even cinder to some extent listen to emerald last i saw the two but you? One little insult, one coment that makes you doubt and your first action is to simply go on the offensive, and more to the point, you can't kill me oh you want to i can see it in your eyes you want to kill me with every fiber in your being but you can't, Salem told you to keep me alive since I'm still useful tell me did you try to convince her to change her mind? Or did you just roll over like the dog you've become

*Before the two could come to blows both there ears twitch hearing footsteps coming towards them and fast, jaune opened the first door he saw and walked inside leaving izuku out, once the footsteps got close izuku simply smiled*

Izuku:ah if it isn't my dear friends coco adel and velvet scarlatina how've you two been

*Coco frowned looking at him while velvet elbowed Coco's ribbed and whispered here to play nice*

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