chapter 59

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*Weiss and ruby made it to the CCT they were surprised when they saw police officers and fireman as the building was on fire there as Weiss walked towards them*

Weiss:excuse me but what's going on?

Policeman:there was An electrical fire ma'am please step back


*They all heard it the sound of a girls screaming inside the building but the fire was to great to enter, Weiss and ruby without thinking went in to action, Weiss stabbed The ground causing the whole electrical fire to freeze while ruby used her speed to roam around the building but found nothing only a recorder of a girl screaming for help*

Ruby:the hell?

*Ruby grabbed it going out and showing it t the policeman who did not look pleased*

Policeman:whoever did this they are some sick bastard

Ruby:yeah but who....

*Ruby fell on the floor as someone familiar crashed in to her in a bear hug*


Ruby:yang what are you doing here you should be with izuku with that friend of yours!

Yang:already got the information so i decided to help you!

Ruby:then where's izuku?

Yang: puking up in an alley the big baby couldn't handle my driving

Weiss: I've seen you drive i don't blame him

With neo

*We see her in the roof of the bulding looking down mentally cursing as she looked at team RWY*

Izuku:man that's the best distraction you could've come up with?

*Neo rolled her eyes and flipped izuku off making him chuckle sitting next to her, watching as the 3 girls talked to the police and fireman*

Izuku:how long before roman finishes?

*Neo typed on her phone and sent the message to izuku who looked*

Izuku:45 minutes huh looks like where gonna have to go with plan C

*Neo looked at him with worry making him rub her back smiling at her*

Izuku:don't worry baby sis i have better control get in to position

*Izuku jumped down from the building using parkour to land safely and walked casually to them*

Izuku:sup y'all did you get the information you were looking for?

*Weiss huffed crossing her arms*

Weiss:no there was an electrical fire everything was lost

Izuku:so no back ups?

Weiss:there in atlas and if i get them father will start asking questions

Izuku:well i guess theres only one....

*Izuku fell on the floor screaming as he was shot with a electrical net*


Policeman:up there!

*They all looked and saw a person covered by the shadow of night but the one thing they could see was that she had a lot of other weapons as she started shooting, yang's eyes turned red as she used her weapons to fly up there with Weiss running behind her, ruby looked at her brother*

Izuku:don't worry about me g..g..get her!!

*Ruby nodded as she disappeared as the policeman started to sorround him to help it happened, izuku did lose a lot of power when he lost one of his silver eye, when he lost his mother quirk, but he did have something, something he hated but was extremely useful as the officers started to back away there hands on there weapons as izuku transformed*

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