chapter 27

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Meanwhile with ruby

*We see her studying in the roof of the school when she heard someone sitting next to her confused she looked and flinched it was Pyrrha*


*Pyrrha said with a shy smile as she puts the box of cookies between them and opens them*

Pyrrha:hungry? I heard this are you favorite there from the bakery on the other side of town

Ruby:...i do like that place..

*Ruby muttered as she took one and started eating Pyrrha took a small sigh of relief and looked at the sky*

Pyrrha: it's...a beautiful sunset isn't it?

Ruby:yeah it's real pretty dad love to see the sunset he used to make poems of them


Pyrrha:mh i still remember the latest he did "heaven was an incandescent fire captured in the heart of your desire and love was a momentary light last upon the sea of your desire"

Ruby:that was pretty

Pyrrha;i agree most people always said "your a pro hunter why spend you're days writing when you can Kill grim and hunt bad villains" but he would always just smile and kept writing he a good father?

Pyrrha:he was the best heh mom always said I was a daddy's girl, and my dad loved that he would always spoil me with anything i wanted nothing was too good for his little princess

*Pyrrha gave a wet chuckled cleaned a tear that started to fall*

Ruby:what happened to him?

Pyrrha:the same thing that's gonna happened to most of the kids in this school in the future he died on the line of duty...

Ruby:I'm sorry..

Pyrrha:it's fine the day we fought was the...was the anniversary of that... event..

*Ruby saw Pyrrha and puts her hand on her shoulder*

Ruby:oh Pyrrha..

Pyrrha:that's no am excuse for what i said it happened a while ago and i just... didn't want to bring it up.. me and my mom would visit his grave with flowers and we would spend the day together..

*Another tear fell from Pyrrha's face and she let it happened*

Pyrrha:it's nice but this year I'm...I'm not with her and i don't have any flower's and when you told me the problems with your dad i don't know maybe i was jealous or just...needed a distraction..i was dumb..I'm sorry..

*Pyrrha hugs her legs as her voice becomes softer and cracking as she hides her face ruby dropped the cookie and hugged her*

Ruby;I'm sorry too i..i didn't know..

Pyrrha:never told anyone im supposed to be this big strong warrior the hope of little kids today..

Ruby:but you're still human you still need love P you need compassion companionship you need friendship

Pyrrha;do i still have yours..?

Ruby:you never lost it i was just mad...

*They stayed like that watching the sunset until it left*

Meanwhile with izuku

Izuku:let's see where can I law low for the last hour and a half..

*Walking izuku bumped into someone*

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