chapter 4

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*qrow sighed as he stood at the door of the xiao long family holding a box of all the letter inko wrote to him all unopened he nocked on the door and Raven opened scowling at him*

Qrow:yeah yeah you hate me don't care where's my wife

*Raven scoffed too angry to even say anything she let him in and they walked to the kitchen table where Tai and Summer were waiting for him he put the letter on the table and all 4 of them sat down*

Tai:so..we're really doing this

Summer:we're a team we need to do this as a team..qrow what can you tell me about them

Qrow:they..came in a few months after the wedding one every couple of months for like like 4 years after that...

Raven:she died ok...l

Letter 1:

Um hey James it's me inko how's it been I hope you're well as for me things...kinda took a turn for the worse but in a good way im...I'm pregnant it's you're baby heh when my mother found out she...didn't took it well..she kinda freaked out and well..kicked me out..i..I'm not blaming you! This isn't what this is I'm just..letting you know you're going to be a father and I could really use you're help..

Raven:why did she say James?

Qrow:...I gave her a fake name

Tai:God damn it qrow..

Qrow:I was drunk!

Raven:so you gave her a fake name but a real address? Why didn't she ever come here?

Qrow:she always seemed like the shy reserved type probably didn't want to start drama

Tai:or was scared that the babies father was a piece of shit..

*Tai was glaring at him it took everything he had not to punch him again since if 1 thing Tai hate is children being hurt qrow tried to say something*

Summer:enough..let's keep going..

Letter 2:

Um hey james it's been a few months sorry for the late update our baby...he's fine I hope he was born 8 months a little early but the doctors are hopeful saying he is a fighter...I'm scared I'm really really scared that he won't make it I could really use you're help right now, our baby was so small but so beautiful I hope you'll see him soon

Letter 3:

Hey James 4 months since the last letter things are getting a little better I found a place to stay and a job I'm a waitress since I can't really do anything else with no experience being 23 you know o always wanted to be a singer but I couldn't afford to go to arts school but I kinda don't regret it since our baby boy is healthy! I attached a picture of him if you want to see him my friends at work tell me I should give up on you but I'm not going to if you we're a bad guy you would have just told me to stop sending you this or something hehe sorry I got a bit of a rambling problem even in writting point is our baby is healthy just wanted to let you see him but I'm sure you'll see him face to face soon

*all 4 looked at the picture of baby izuku already with hair on his head green like his mother with black tips like his father*

Tai:cute baby..

Raven:he could be ruby's twin remember she had black hair with red tips still does

Summer:heh yeah..

Raven:probably cuts it off


Raven:you heard ozpin he hates you if I was him I would cut my hair to remove the tips sad for him he's a brawnen and the tips grow back every few months

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