chapter 15

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Nighttime at team RWBY

*Weiss walked inside to see her teamsters already asleep except for ruby she was in her desk writing something weiss sighed quietly and walked up to her tapping her shoulder ruby turned around before frowning slightly*

Ruby:yes what can I help you with Weiss

Weiss:what are you doing?

Ruby:just finishing the team's schedule for the week is that all you wanted to ask or say?

Weiss:no apologize to you for my behavior..

*Ruby put her pen down and gave Weiss her full attention Weiss sighed looking at the ground uncomfortable not used to saying sorry*

Weiss: I'll...admit i can be a bit..quite spoiled and i thought i deserved the role a leader just because of my name that..was wrong of me and I'll work on that i promise you I'll be the best teamate you'll ever had!

*Weiss screamed her eyes filled with determination until she was hit on the head with a pillow*

Yang:keep it down some of us are trying to sleep!

Weiss:well i..!!!

*Ruby puts her hand on Weiss mouth*

Ruby:let it go you don't want to deal with her when she's angry

*Weiss sighed and nodded*

Ruby:as for what you said ok i believe you and i forgive you I hope we can become the best partners in BUA

*Ruby nods giving her a small smile before going back to work yawning Weiss seeing this and wanting to be true to her word she left for a moment and came back with a cup of coffee she puts it next to ruby who only nods as acknowledgment and mumbled a thank you Weiss went to her bed and went to sleep*

With team IRNN

pyrrha:shouldn't you be sleeping?

Izuku:i could ask you the same thing I'll go to sleep in a minute i just need to finish this

Izuku"let's see new playstation 5 switch..check"

*Izuku clicked buy*

Izuku"and thank you bakugo Katsuki for you're generous donation "

*Izuku thought as he threw bakugo's wallet and card to the trash before going to sleep*

Few days later

*We see everyone in class talking among themselves while izuku was playing with his new switch he overheard a certain someone's conversation*

Bakugo:this is some bullshit someone stole my credit card!

Cardin:just cancel it and stop screaming about it

Bakugo:you think i didn't do that?! They still stole over 1500 lien! When I get my hands on that guy I'm gonna..!!

*before bakugo could continue his threat much to izuku's disappointment The door opened*

*before bakugo could continue his threat much to izuku's disappointment The door opened*

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