chapter 38 + sneak peek

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1 month later

*We see izuku still in the coma his body was completely healed at this point his mind on the other hand, his mind is a whole nother matter*


*We see ruby doing what she always does when she's stressed baking cookies while her teammates just look at her while eating the cookies*

Blake:should we help her?

Yang:eh it's best if we just let her tire herself out beside you have to admit she makes some good cookies

Weiss:oh i simply must agree she even made my favorite it goes wonderful with my tea if she doesn't make it as a pro i am so keeping her as my cookie butler

Blake:so what is ruby's plan this time again?

Yang:that if izuku smells her cookies he'll wake up

Blake:i would say thats idiotic but with how this smell and taste i kinda see the logic

Ruby: gingersnaps i need more chocolate chips!

*Ruby left in a sea of petals dashing to the pantry at the other side of the school*

Weiss:. . . gingersnaps?

Yang:rather that then ruby saying curse word

Weiss:fair enough

With ruby

*We see her in the pantry grabbing what she needs when someone grabbed her stuff for her*


Ruby:hey P what are you doing

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Ruby:hey P what are you doing

Pyrrha:I'm helping you of course that's a lot of stuff for someone so small as you

*Ruby giggled a bit then a small blushed appeared in her face as she saw Pyrrha* is down

Pyrrha:oh yes do you like it?

Ruby:i do you look so beautiful like that

*Both girls blushed feeling butterflies in there stomach, Pyrrha was the first to go out of it and she coughed*

Pyrrha:t..thank you for the kind words so do you wish for help?

Ruby: thanks P i really appreciate it

Pyrrha:oh think nothing of it it's my pleasure

*The milk and cereal couple walked away having small conversation Pyrrha was delighted that ruby was getting her happy attitude again but sadly that was ruined by one man*

Qrow:hey petal

*Ruby froze as her smile turned in to a scowl*

Ruby:what do you want

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