chapter 16

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*ruby and izuku made it to the observation room and saw everyone looking at them ruby got nervous while izuku just yawned and walked to his team sitting down enjoying the sunlight when someone blocked his sun izuku frowned and opened his eyes seeing a boy with red hair angrily throwing a punch at him*

*ruby and izuku made it to the observation room and saw everyone looking at them ruby got nervous while izuku just yawned and walked to his team sitting down enjoying the sunlight when someone blocked his sun izuku frowned and opened his eyes seei...

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*Izuku just dodged it moving his head to the right smiling at him*

Izuku:my that wasn't very...what's the word you use...ah yes manly attacking someone with his eyes closed naughty naughty

*Izuku said with a smug smile making kirishima frown*

Kirishima:and what you did was manly?!


*Kirishima was dumbfounded by the simple answer*

Izuku:aw what's wrong did i use too big a words for you to understand you Neanderthal?

*Izuku pets kirishima's cheek condescendantly*

Izuku: here's a tip for you from a guy in the real world there is no such thing as manly only surviving out there you need to do whatever it takes to survive you lie steal cheat whatever you have to do to live another day on this miserable rock i should know because I've done it all I've eating at the highest 5 star restaurants and been at the lowest of the low where you i had to fight for a bag of uncooked Rice is that unmanly?

Raven: he's right

*The students turned around to see there teachers returning and a yellow blur zipping to ruby before ruby could dodged yang looked at her all over searching for any injuries*

Ruby: Yang I'm fine stop smushing my cheeks

*Ruby said embarrassed but was even more read when yang hugged her*

*Ruby said embarrassed but was even more read when yang hugged her*

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Yang:I'm so glad you're ok i was so scared!!

izuku:ah the love of a family member something so pure...and so easy to manipulate

*Yang glared at Izuku her eyes red with fury raven put her hand on yang's shoulder calming her down*

Raven:while morbid everything Mr midoriya has said it's the harsh truth once you're out there you'll know that you got to do anything to survive cause the villains are not gonna play fair

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