chapter 60

676 13 2

The next day

*Everybody was in goodwitch's class izuku glanced at team RWBY, all 4 of them looked dead tired, izuku made it back to BUA at 2 in the morning he could only imagine when the 4 girls came back, but his eyes stayed in Blake no one said anything but her eyes were puffy and red making him break his mask for a bit and smile an evil grin*

Izuku"i can only imagine what Adam showed her he's such a good puppet, wonder if there's a way to keep him in every path and not just the faunus path hm... I'll need to think about this deeply but let's leave that for a later date and just enjoy the show"

*Izuku thought putting his mask back on smiling proudly as Pyrrha was kicking Cardin's ass, and not just him but his whole team as the fight was a 1v4 and the fight was completely one sided. Pyrrha slammed Cardin down before she backflipped kicking him in the head as he went flying with a thud, he shakily got up as Glynda walked in between them*

Glynda:and that's match another pathetic display from everyone

*Glynda glanced around seeing the remaining teams -rwby cower in fear no one wanted to fight Pyrrha so Glynda had to choose one*

Glynda:as for you miss Nikos you should have no problem qualifying for the tournament

Pyrrha:thank you professor

Glynda:alright now i know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match any volunteers?

???: I'll do it

*That voice, it gave izuku a small annoyance as all eyes were locked in on the voice*

*mercury black 1/2 of his replacement what's annoying of izuku is that he doesn't know why he's here and not being the one who holds the cards is something izuku simply can't stand, although in a small way it made izuku amused*

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*mercury black 1/2 of his replacement what's annoying of izuku is that he doesn't know why he's here and not being the one who holds the cards is something izuku simply can't stand, although in a small way it made izuku amused*

Izuku"BUA has a traitor and the ozma has no idea oh how lovely"

Glynda:mercury black, very well who wants to...

Izuku:I'll do I can see it in his eyes he wants to fight Pyrrha but she needs a break as her leader I'll fight in her place

*Mercury frown slightly cinder wanted him to fight Pyrrha not him this will cause problems for him*

Glynda:i have to agree very well the fight will be izuku Midoriya vs mercury black both contestant come on down

*They did as they walked down they looked at each other one smirking the other frowning*

Izuku:you know i wonder....

*Izuku whisper making mercury look at him*

Izuku:i wonder if you're father was right about you and you're only good for taking a beating

*Izuku smirked as mercury eyes showed true anger this was part of izuku's plan since his gut was telling him mercury was gonna forfeit and izuku couldn't have that he needed to know mercury's abilities even if the learning experience will be painful. Soon enough both fighters were side to side in the small area staring at each other mercury with a hateful glare while izuku kept his calculated smile*

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