chapter 8

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*izuku and pyrrha landed on something soft Pyrrha softly glared at izuku who was dusting himself off *

Pyrrha:you know a warning would have been appreciated

Izuku:you said help you and I did now you're not stuck in a team with Weiss


Izuku:on an unrelated note we should get going


Izuku:look around you

*pyrrha did and saw that they landed on a huge bird's nest with eggs that looked more like boulders*

Izuku:I rather not stay here and let the mamá bird see us

Pyrrha:yes let's get down

*they got down on the forest floor and looked around*

Pyrrha:Ok any idea where north is?

Izuku:one sec I got just the thing

*izuku listed his shoe and opened a secret compartment grabbing what was in it*

Pyrrah:what's that?

Izuku:a compass and North is...that way

*izuku started walking ahead with Pyrrha close behind him*

Pyrrha:why did you have a compass there?

Izuku:you can never be too careful this isn't just a fine piece of a suit it also holds many secrets compartments that I hold survival stuff in never know when you gotta make a run for it

Pyrrha:a run from what

*izuku stopped and made pyrrha stopped pyrrha looked confused until she saw why they stopped a pack of beowolf walking around looking for prey*

Pyrrha:we can take them just tak out your gun and..

*izuku ignored her grabbed a rock from the ground and threw at the the opposite direction the beowolfs heard it and ran to the sound*

Izuku:there let's keep moving

Pyrrha:why did you do that we could have taken them

Izuku:maybe but it would have been unnecessary all we would have won from that is lost time and energy,  energy we might need if we come across something bigger

Pyrrha:ah I don't like fighting do you ?

Izuku:I always leave it as a last resort I rather think my way out of the situation or better yet talk my way out of any situation , fighting its so...barbaric and quite frankly beneath civilized creatures like ourself mother never really liked to fight I already must be such a disappointment to her I rather not add more fuel to that fire and fight my way out of things..

*pyrrha noticed sadness in izuku's tone but choose to ignored it she wasn't close enough to izuku to be asking personal questions just yet*

Izuku"tsk hated fighting if you would have fought my father for the money you would have still been here.."

*izuku and pyrrha kept walking with izuku taking charge making distractions to any Grimm they'd encounter or taking a detour to make sure they were not seen or heard pyrrha was impressed that they made it this far without fighting once*

Izuku:ah lovely we made it

Pyrrha:so soon?!

Izuku:you forget my dear most of the time here is wasted on fighting since we didn't do that and have a compass we made it here so fast

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