chapter 73

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*We see izuku walking around UA Pyrrha was busy with ruby, Weiss was being well Weiss and training by herself to be the best. Nora and Ren won't be back until late at night from ren's punishment whatever that is so it was just izuku and his thoughts on how all of this will end. Izuku sat down on a bench and looked up at the clear blue skies*

Ozma:quite a lovely day wouldn't you agree?

Izuku:hm. Is there a reason you've been watching me this past hour as I walked?

*Izuku lazily fell his head to look at a smiling and calculating ozpin. Ozpin took a sip of his coffee never breaking eye contact from Izuku*

Ozma:mind if I sit down?

Izuku:i do mind actually

Ozma;well it's my school so i don't care

*Ozma sat down next to izuku, izuku glanced at him acting as if he didn't have his own plans in the works*

Izuku"guess it's only a matter on who acts first. How fun"

Ozma:really been quite a long time since you've been here

Izuku:true 1 year and 3 month quite the change from being on the run and a life of crime

Ozma:yes now you do crimes under my nose and I'm powerless to do anything

Izuku:true but you have no prove ozma and you know why?

Ozma;oh please do fill me in Mr. Wolf

Izuku: because you've lived too long. Like that wife of yours you stopped being human and both see yourself and demi gods that knows better then the rest

Ozma:really now? And what about you?

Izuku:hahahahah oh that's cute. The difference is that i know what i am and i freely admit it, i am not a king i am not a god I'm a monster that hides his true self with this human skin

Ozma:you are right you are something but your not a monster izuku

Izuku:oh don't tell me you believe i can change and be the very best hero there ever was

Ozma:god no. It was a mistake to bring you to my school i see that now but it's too late to change that, no you are not a monster nor are you a god you are simply bad product an experiment gone wrong who will eventually die and when you too no one will ever remember your name I'll make sure of that

*Ozma got up smiled at izuku and walked away izuku smiled back once ozma was out of earshot izuku spoke*

Izuku:oh ozma thank you since that's just what i want to get away with my plans and be forgotten, you've played right in to my plans and your too arrogant to see it little demi-god

*Izuku said chuckling as he got up and walked away out where two old friends were waiting for him*

*Izuku said chuckling as he got up and walked away out where two old friends were waiting for him*

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