the end part 2

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Izuku was laughing as qrow screamed like a wild animal slashing his weapon at him with izuku dodging  them all, izuku parry's qrow's harbinger with his combat knife but qrow was far stronger so the knife slipped from izuku's hands as he jumped back with qrow following*

Qrow: I'll kill you!!!

*Qrow screamed with raw emotion that just made izuku laugh*

Izuku:ah there it is, that look of being completely heartbroken I know it well as you did the same to me daddy dearest ~!!

*Izuku kneeled down dodging a swing of qrow's Harbinger and punched him in the stomach taking the wind out of him*

Izuku:you want to know a secret old man? That doctor took my mother's quirk from me but he didn't take your semblance from me

*Qrow slipped and fell from the blood on the floor and izuku slammed his foot on his throat*

Izuku:I have your bad luck semblance only a more refined version as unlike you i can control who I give bad luck to you....

*Izuku eyes widen as blood started coming down from his mouth, in izuku's arrogance he didn't see that qrow was leading izuku to his fallen knife, that knife was now on izuku's chest right on his heart*

Izuku:you stabbed me....

*Izuku coughed up blood with his twisted smile never leaving his face*

Izuku:you stabbed me pretty good....

*Qrow pushed izuku to the ground, izuku slowly losing blood started to scream and cry. That's when qrow heard something that made his heart drop to his stomach*


*Qrow turned around to see ruby, summer, raven, tai, Weiss, yang, blake, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha, ozpin and finally but not least a pissed off toshinori Yagi*


Toshinori:get away from him!!!

*Toshinori transformed in to his buff form and punched qrow in the gut sending him flying to a wall unconscious. Ruby dropped to her knees placing izuku's head on her knees, she and everyone else was crying heavily*

Ruby:y..your gonna be ok I'm gonna take you to recovery girl she'll heal you right up!

*Izuku closed his eyes and shook his head no, he raised one arm and everyone saw it turn to dust*

Izuku:part Grimm my lovely sister I might live longer but if my heart is attack that's...that's pretty much game over for me

*Izuku said grunting as blood started falling from his nose. Izuku's friends and family all sat around him with a range of different emotions*



*Ruby said her voice cracking, izuku gave her a soft smile raising his other hand cleaning her tears*

Izuku:don't be so sad it's not a good look for you my lovely sister you better become a great pro hunter for the both of us

*Izuku's body was slowly turning in to dust as he took one last look to everyone giving them a watery smile*

Izuku:I love you all thank you...for being in my life....

*And with that izuku was gone, Pyrrha hugged ruby who wept uncontrollably on her chest, she wasn't the only one crying as everyone mourned for him so ends the tale of the big bad wolf not with a bang but with a whimper. Well at least from there point of view*

Meanwhile in a rooftop

*Emerald was watching everything happening with a pair of telescopes*

Izuku: you've gotta admit I make a terrific actor, if my childhood wasn't so fucked up I might've become somebody famous

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