chapter 19

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Author here found 40 bucks on the floor felt so good decided to give you all an extra chapter this week

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Author here found 40 bucks on the floor felt so good decided to give you all an extra chapter this week

1 week after last chapter

*One week 7 days 168 hours and izuku was acting like nothing happened like he didn't have a mental breakdown as for his relationship with his grandmother well we see him doing something about it*

*We see izuku writing or at least trying to write a letter to his grandmother but he was just tapping his pen on the sheet of paper looking at it as if, if he looked hard enough the words will magically appeared the door slammed opened but izuku didn't move he knew who it was*

Izuku:did you enjoy you're date Nora?

*Izuku had a small smirk as he knew Nora was blushing as Ren walked passed her* wasn't a date date! was just Ren's and my weekly hangout!

Izuku:what did you do today?

Ren:it was my turn so i choose to go to a book store and just read

Izuku:sounds like my kind of date but Nora being quiet and reading?

Ren:..... we're banned from returning to that book store

*Izuku snorted as Nora rubbed the back of her head nervously with a huge smile*


*Izuku glanced at Pyrrha who appeared next to him with a warm smile as she passed izuku a cookie izuku ate it*

Pyrrha:what are you doing izuku?

Izuku:I'm..writing a letter to my...grandmother

*The words felts weird coming out of his mouth for the longest time the only family izuku had was his mother then Roman and neo who filled his father and sister figured respectively now to know he had a grandmother someone who he shared blood with it's..a bit overwhelming for izuku but the master of emotions he is he always hid it with a smile*

Pyrrha:you have a grandmother?

Izuku:why is that surprising ?

Ren:it's not surprising per say it's..

Nora:you refuse to tell us anything about your past you always say "don't worry about it"

*Izuku chuckled looking at the ceiling*

Izuku:as blunt as ever Nora i say that because the past is not something you should worry yourself with it's in the past it happened and nothing gonna change that best to not think about it and concentrate on the future

*Inko appeared sitting on the desk*

Inko:you really saying that? The boy who wants his father dead the boy who refuses to go to therapy or to admit i wasn't perfect or...

*Izuku broke his Pen as his mood falter for a minute*


*Izuku threw the pen away and cleaned the ink that fell*

Ren;do you need assistance on what to write?

Izuku:eh don't worry about it

Nora:come on what are you gonna write?!

*Nora said as always not knowing the word personal space*

Izuku:i...i don't know what do you say to a former pro hero

Pyrrha:izuku she's you're grandmother not a pro hero you should just talk about you're life

Izuku:my life? She's a former pro and I'm a villain

Pyrrha:former villain

Izuku:...fine I'll indulge you former villain I'm not sure she would want to know the things I've done

Ren:can't you think a story that's the least evil?

Izuku:you know as well as i do that there's no such thing as evil my dear friend it is but a..

Ren:you're not gonna talk you're way out of this izuku

*Izuku sighed nodding before thinking*

Izuku:i... guess there's one story I'll tell you as I'm writing

Letter:hey nana.. grandmother...gram gram?...i.. don't know what to call you really i don't even know how to start a relationship with you my..friends gave me an idea and i thought you might like reading one of my adventures to put it nicely I'll start with my least bad if you want to I'll tell you everything the good the bad and the ugly and yes that was a pun mom told me you love puns and bad jokes so do i, i guess i got that from you along with the rambling but mom also had that so..anyway this is the story of how Me, Roman and neo got 50 thousand dollars in one day

Flashback izuku as narrator

*It was a hot summer day in Mexico for me and neo who is someone i consider my sister it was the first time we we're out of Japan seeing a different place was exiting the music the food the culture it was more then i can out in to words we we're there on vacation after a month long heist I was relaxing on a beach chair, neo was building a sand castle and Roman was talking to some guy i instantly knew that would be bad news so i walked up next to Roman*

Jesus: who's the chamaco?

Izuku:I'm izuku Midoriya you can call me Mr wolf i couldn't help but see that you have a brief case with what i can only imagine is full of money what has my associate Mr snake promised?

Jesus:oh nothing much nothing much just a friendly bet

Izuku:already a bad sign but Carry on

Roman:oh it's nothing just a bed 50 grand said i can shoot a piña colada off his wife head

Real world

Pyrrha:he bet what?!

Izuku:well actually it was a prostitute but i don't think that would be any better and it wasn't 50 grand cash it was 50 grand in pure Colombian powder

Ren: this is you're least bad story?

Izuku:yup the others are...let's say fucked up if you want i can tell you about if you want but like I said the past it's better left in the past I said that for a reason while I never killed doesn't mean i haven't done or sold a lot of bad shit

Nora:i want to hear more stories i love messed up stories!

Izuku:fine I'll tell you later for now let's continue

Back to the letter

Izuku:and you see nothing wrong with this?

Roman:come now izuku you know i have impeccable aim!

Izuku:Why do I get the feeling we're gonna be running for our lives in 10 minutes

To be continued

Till Monday or on Patreon

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