chapter 66

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Cinder;just make sure that jaune is...out of the picture it's getting annoying seeing how Salem treats that experiment better then the rest of us

Izuku:ask and you shall receive my sweet fire

*Izuku and cinder disappeared in to there respective placed izuku almost shaking in genuine excitement as the end was coming soon*


*izuku walked inside the dance and saw quite a few things. He walked behind Nora and took the flask she was hiding terribly. Nora flinched scared that she got caught until she turned around and smiled at izuku*

Nora:hey leader how's it going?

Izuku;not bad not bad

*Izuku took a swig and gagged, he looked at Nora as if she grew a second head*

Izuku: peppermint schnapps? Really? That's the best you could get?

Nora:well you have any better? In that eye of yours

*Izuku smirked sucked the schnapps and pull out something real a baton, Nora looked confused until she winced since izuku bonked her head with the baton*

Izuku:yeah i got something better nothing, i won't tell the teachers but i better not see you doing this again

Nora:boo your no fun

Izuku:is that girl flirting with Ren?


*Nora snapped her neck and saw some girl talking to Ren, Nora smiled a crazy smile as she completely ignored izuku and took her hammer our from God knows where, she walked away and izuku walked far away from that and sat down next to a pouting ruby*

Izuku;what's up with you?

*Ruby didn't say anything just pointed forward, Jacques schnee was talking to Pyrrha probably trying to convince her to spend her time with Weiss giving how uncomfortable Weiss was looking behind her father*

Izuku:ah to be in her shoes...i don't envy her, excuse me

*Izuku got up and walked up to them passing by undetected by winter*

Izuku:i have to say i knew you were pathetic but this is just sad

*Jacques flinched and looked at izuku who had a calm smile and a drink in his hands*

Izuku:is there any reason your talking to a girl that's less then half your age? I didn't know you were a dirty old man Jacques but then again why should I be surprised? You did steal the schnee corporation from your wife why should I be surprise that your nothing more then a dirty cheater

*As most of the schnee family was looking at izuku with distain, Pyrrha got what izuku was doing and gave him a small prayer to her leader as she managed to escape to a smiling ruby waiting for her*

Jacques: listen here you little shit...

Glynda:is there a problem here Mr. Schnee?

*The smile on izuku's face couldn't have gotten bigger as Glynda and nemuri both walked up to them nemuri looking pissed while Glynda had a calm anger inside her*

Nemuri;is there a reason you look like you want to hit Mr. Midoriya?

Jacques;no he interrupted me talking to miss nikos about a sponsorship with my family

Glynda:uhu, question what are you even doing here on a highschool dance? i think it's best if you leave all of you

Jacques:excuse me?

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