chapter 10

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*the rest of team rwby came in*

Izuku:lovely it's one big party how about you all stay here and I go...get the refreshment yeah i mean what's a party without refreshments excuse me

*Yang blocked the entrance making izuku chuckle*

Izuku:what you're gonna beat me up just because I pissed ice princess off?

Weiss:what are you even doing here?!

Izuku:eh instead of going to jail old ozzy and me cut a deal he gave me a place in his school thinking I could be redeemed

Ruby:and...can you?

Izuku:pfffff hahaha ha oh that's a good one nah fam I know who the fuck I am and I have no plans in changing I'm only here because it'll be easier to escape then jail which is a bitch and a half let me tell you one time I had to stop eating until my body was all skin and bones and I could walk through the Bars had to dislocate my arm to pass through man I ate like a beast when I made it out good times good times

Weiss:well I for one..!

Izuku:is the one leaving?

Weiss:what wait n...

Izuku:oh marvelous it was getting a bit cramped in here

*izuku started pushing her to the door*

Izuku:now don't be a stranger and be sure to write come visit any time but you know call first and all that

*izuku pushed her out and closed the door on her face locking it*

Izuku:now that the admittedly beautiful pain in the ass is gone let's get to know eachother since ozpin decided to play chicken and lost I can be...more honest then last time

Pyrrha:what do you mean chicken?

Izuku:oh please we can all agree that you miss nikos would make a better leader then me he only made me the leader to try and fuck me over but what he didn't know was that I was using my human form as a courtesy and now he must be busy getting his ear chewed out about having one of Japan's most wanted in his school

Ren:you seem to wear that title with pride

Izuku:and why shouldn't i?I earned that title I mean come on I stole the mona lisa dressed as the Mona Lisa I deserve to be called as such

Yang:oh yeah I heard of that what did you do with the painting?

Izuku:kept it in my house probably returned to Paris as were speaking that sucks but what can you do

*izuku collapsed on his bed with his feet up*

Izuku:now you can all please leave? I don't mean to be rude but my team has to unpack after that we should head to bed it's gonna be such a big day tomorrow of breaking legs


izuku:sorry I meant first day of class


*the rest of team rwby said there goodbyes and left*

Izuku:now as leader Ren your sleeping on Nora's bed


*exited Nora faces remained neutral if not the slightest bit amused*

Ren:as leader I'm sure you have a good reason

Izuku:I do someone needs to sacrifice there bed to make room for all our stuff and since you both seem close there should be no problem with both of you sleeping together

*Nora blushed looking between Ren and izuku*

Izuku;oh I'm sorry I misspoke I meant sleep on the same bed together

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