chapter 67

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Few days later

*izuku was just being a lazy potato on the couch of the goodwitch house. With the vital festival only a week away ozpin decided to give the children the week off to train and relax while team RWBY was training team IRNN was relaxing in there respected home. The door was kicked opened and Izuku looked, it was Glynda and nemuri walking in with bags upon bags of groceries, izuku got up and went to help*

Izuku:what's all this ?

Nemuri:oh we are having company for dinner be sure to dress your best?

Izuku:when do i not?

Glynda:your wearing shorts and a undershirt

Izuku:both made out of pure 100% Mulberry silk i am wearing a cloud right now.

*Izuku walked out and grabbed the rest of the bags, he walked back inside and placed it on the table taking out a glass of milk*

Izuku: So who's coming to visit? Didn't know you two had family

Nemuri:oh we don't but you do~


*Izuku eyes dialaded and he squeezed the milk so hard the milk bottle shattered and he didn't even flinch. Nemuri and Glynda looked at him nemuri was in shock, Glynda just sighed*

Glynda:nemuri your an idiot. Izuku it's everyone but qrow he won't be anywhere close to you

*That brought izuku back to the real world, he shook his head and look at his bleeding hand*

Izuku; I'll uh...go clean my hand and then I'll clean the milk

*Izuku said still sorta out of it as he walked to the bathroom. Once they heard the door closing Glynda glared at nemuri who had an awkward crooked smile on her face*

Glynda:of all the idiotic ways you could've said it, i swear sometimes i wonder if your chest is blocking air to reach your brain

With izuku

*Izuku cleaned the shards out of his hand and cleaned the blood off it. His mind was still not there thinking of having a large family dinner was something he has never done and he liked it that way. But the world doesn't stop turning for no one, his phone rang and he picked up*

Izuku:what I'm very busy

*Izuku said harshly whoever was on the other line didn't talk for a few moments but then started*

Adam:we have a problem

Izuku:does you problem involve stitching up a wound? Because mine does

Adam:got in to a fight?

Izuku: something like that. Forget it tell me what happened

Adam;sienna is making a move For vale

*Izuku eyes widen slightly and Adam heard him curse under his breath, there planned hitched on the white fang keeping there focus on atlas*

Izuku;what? Are you sure? Why would she do such a thing? Our people are in atlas not vale hell this hell hole is one of the few places that treats our kind decent

Adam:she doesn't care, she's going to take vale by force and claim it as Territory of faunus

Izuku:crap what is she thinking

*Izuku said passing his bloody hand through his hair, he couldn't have the white fang and cinder at the same place it would cause too many problems and burn too many of his plans. It would placed izuku on the place he hates to be, on the disadvantage. He was taken out of his mind by what Adam said next*

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