chapter 3

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Meanwhile in the goodwitch household

*glynda woke up feeling awful she was not a morning person she kissed her wife on the cheek making her snuggle up with her sheets*

Glynda:im gonna make breakfast see you in the showers..~

*nemuri giggled and winked at her wife*

Nemuri:can't wait..~

*glynda got out of bed and went to the living room*

Izuku:my I didn't know it was that kind of household

*glynda turned around seeing izuku eating breakfast with a huge smirk*

Glynda:ah crap you're real I just thought it was a dream and awful awful dream

Izuku:God I hope this is not a dream because when you realize what you're doing I'm gonna laugh so hard

Glynda:what are you talking about?

*izuku pointed down then glynda paled she looked down and only had panties on nothing else*

Izuku:gotta say for a what 30 something woman you're twins are holding up real good

*glynda turned around  fast and made a B line to her room*

Izuku:my oh my you're wife is a lucky woman look at that booty

*izuku whistled to her making her growl as she left stomping not before hearing izuku laugh*

Glynda"im gonna make his life hell!!"

15 minutes later

*glynda got out of her room dressed and bathed and walked back to the living room seeing nemuri and izuku talking nemuri looked at her and gave her a bright smile*

Nemuri:oh glyndy izuku made us breakfast how nice of him

Izuku:oh think nothing of it it's the least I could do for that amazing dinner last night

Glynda:what...what's going on here what is this?

Nemuri:what do you mean honey?I'm just having breakfast with our guests

Glynda:why are you being nice to him he is not our...

*one glare from nemuri shut glynda right up*

Izuku:well i guess we know who where's the pants in this relationship

*nemuri gave a smug grin as glynda sat down and started eating*

Nemuri:damn straight

Izuku"god she is so easy getting out of here is gonna be a breeze"

Nemuri:God this food is amazing how did you learn to Cook that good?

Izuku:Roman taught me he has a small passion for the culinary arts

Nezu:that's amazing don't you agree ozpin?


*all 3 looked back and saw nezu and ozpin who appeared out of nowhere*

Ozpin:don't mind us just here to put the ankle monitor on the boy

Izuku:is the ankle monitor really necessary I mean come on I'm living with the great heroes Midnight and witching hour I'm sure they can take care of me

Ozpin:yes its very necessary you have a habit of escaping arrest

Izuku:what can I say I learned from the second best

Ozpin:and who is the first best?

Izuku:why Roman mother someone I'm sure you know very well ozpin the great Carmen sandiego

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