chapter 11

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Summer:anyway let's see is everyone here?

Shota:there 4 empy seats who's team ID late?

Summer:let's see its...

*Summer froze as it was her daughter team*

Summer:oh uuuuuuh doesn't say

Shota:.  .  .give me that

*Shota takes the table and sees for himself*

Shota:team rwby late on there first day lovely I will see them in detención

Summer:come on its there first day cut then some slack someone go get them

*izuku stood up and started walking to the door*

Izuku:I'll go team IRNN room is right next to there's

*as soon as he reached the door it was slammed opened revealing team RWBY all 4 tripped inside with Ruby falling on top of izuku*

Izuku:ow...for someone so small you're very heavy..


Izuku:eh don't worry about it

*izuku winked at her making Summer hold her tablet harder it looked like it would bend*

???:sweet home alabama!! Where the skies are blue!!

*all looked at the source of the noise seeing kaminari desperately to turn off his phone*

Kaminari:s..sorry sorry! I forgot to turn it on mute!

Shota"this is gonna be a long day.."

*izuku got up and helped the others up when he gave his arm to Weiss she scoffed and got herself up walking to her seat ignoring him izuku just smirked*

Izuku"oh I'm so gonna melt that little ice cube mark my words"

*once everyone was seated aizawa coughed to get everyone's attention*

Aizawa:now that everyone is here we can begin you're first day we will test our you're powers and see just what you can do everyone put on you're P.E. uniforms and meet me at the training field*

Small timeskip

*aizawa sees everyone I the p.e. uniform minus izuku who was still in his suit glaring aizawa used his powers on him then something strange happened izuku started coughing hard aizawa stopped surprised and izuku got better*

Izuku:man what was that..

*aizawa instead of doing that again wrapped izuku in his scarf and looked at him with boring eyes*

Aizawa:and why aren't you in uniform?

Izuku:because squidward sorry I mean aizawa sensei I don't need a p.e. uniform  I have everything I need In this suit

Aizawa;we'll see about...

*there conversation stopped when the earth shook and dust covered the place the héroes went into fight mode until the dust cleared up revealing All might*

Toshinori:I am here in a superhero landing position!!

Aizawa:what are you doing here all might you're class isn't for the next few days

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