chapter 35

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*izuku sat down smiling as someone hugged his neck*

Ruby;that was amazing did you guys just thought of that on the spot?!

Izuku:. . .



*Izuku Nora and Pyrrha flinched dead tired izuku's voice was basically gone*

Ren: pyrrha you know i love you...


Ren:but how can you miss your cue for the 9th time

Pyrrha:I'm sorry!

Ren:singing ooh is not that hard pyrrha!

Izuku:oh i can't deal with this

Ren:and where are you going?

Izuku:anywhere but here!

Ren:oh no you don't you still haven't done you voice practices

Izuku:you don't know that!

Ren:i know that the books i gave you are still on your nightstand untouched!

*Nora started whining loudly crying a little at the end*


Izuku:y..yeah totally improv right there my team is just that unite hehehe

*Izuku said rubbing his neck still feeling a bit of pain*

Aizawa: enough we're here get out

*Slowly they got off seeing all might and raven there waiting for the students*

Toshinori:ah young mdioriya!

Izuku:hey uncle

Class A:uncle?!

Izuku:my.... grandmother is nana shimura toshinori's predecessor

Toshinori: quite right i see young Midoriya as my little nephew and i promised my sensei that i would look after him ! Speaking of her she is loving the letters your sending her she still laugh about you getting shot in the butt

Izuku:i sure as hell wasn't laughing i couldn't sit down for a month

Toshinori:haha i can imagine you should really come visit her she can tell you so many stories about.....

*Toshinori froze as he forgot that izuku's mother was a touchy subject izuku's mood changed for a second but only for a second not long enough for the students to see but long enough for the teachers*

Izuku:I'll be sure to make time for her don't worry now we should get this day started right?

Aizawa:yes let's head inside....


Izuku:oh God....


Izuku:penny please!!

*But she ignored him as penny appeared and crashed hugged Izuku

*But she ignored him as penny appeared and crashed hugged Izuku

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