chapter 6

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*after izuku helped Weiss he went walking to the auditorium where everyone was smiling to himself whistling without a care in the world while he felt the weight of the viles dust he stole right under the schnee nose in his pocket*

Izuku"life is good"

*izuku walked inside where he saw a few people he recognized as people he stole a while back*

Izuku:who should my target be..

*izuku muttered to himself when he felt someone hand on his shoulder he jumped a little and turned around*

*izuku muttered to himself when he felt someone hand on his shoulder he jumped a little and turned around*

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Pyrrha:hello again izuku I've been waiting for you

Izuku:for me whatever for?

Pyrrha:you said you would catch up so I waited

Izuku:ah I see sorry for being late I had to help a schnee

Pyrrha:my that family certainly is...interesting..

*izuku could feel the discomfort coming from her even a bit of disgust*

Izuku"my my so it's not just a belladonna who's bidding something that remind me I need to find that cat girl"

Izuku:I see you're not fond of that family?

Pyrrha:there...not my favorite people in the world no

Izuku:can you tell me why?

Pyrrha:i...don't feel comfortable talking about it..

Izuku:that's fine hopefully we'll become better friends and you'll be able to tell me about it till then we should sit down ozm...I mean ozpin is about to start his speech

Pyrrah:oh!yes let's go

*they walked and sat down as they waited the couldn't help but overhear the conversation in front*

Yang:so how is you're fist day going little rose?

Ruby:oh you mean the day you ditch me twice?

Yang:come on I said im sorry I had to see my friends

Ruby:oh please does "friends" have seen enough of you to last a lifetime

Yang:I won't apologize for having fun

Izuku"note to self do not touch blond I don't want to catch something"

Ruby:whatever and my day could have gone better I almost exploded!

Yang:you're exaggerating

Izuku:if I could defend Lil red for a minute here

*both looked at izuku Ruby happy to see him*


Izuku:please Ruby call me izu

*izuku could feel Pyrrha jealousy a me away he looked at her and smile*

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