chapter 51

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Izuku;the maiden powers or one of them at least since ozma may have lost the person but kept the power interesting and how do you know i won't just steal it for myself?

Cinder:because you'll have someone working with you watching over you that you don't try something

Izuku:I'm guessing it's the person who's been hiding in the shadows all this time so why don't you come on out

*The sound of footsteps were heard and out of the shadow came the second person they got to replace izuku*

Cinder: Mr. Wolf may i introduce you to your partner and superior

 Wolf may i introduce you to your partner and superior

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Cinder: Mr. Jaune Arc


*Izuku gave a low whistle leaning against a crate*

Izuku:an arc? My where have i heard that name before it's....sounds so familiar....Oh! That's right your the kid that tried to cheat your way in to BUA!

*Jaune's frown got deeper as his hold on his sword got tighter*

Izuku"semi quick to anger ok i can work with this" a point in time i wanted to become a hunter before i saw the truth...

Izuku:oh? And what is the truth surely if it the truth you would want to share it to the world who knows you may wake me from the lies i live

Jaune:you think your funny?

Izuku:i have my moments at least i didn't try to cheat my way in to a school

*Izuku eyes widen in genuine surprise when jaune disappeared and reappeared in front of izuku grabbing him by his neck and lifting him in the air chocking him izuku struggled for air he tried to transform but it wasn't working*

Jaune:you want the truth? I learned that this world is sick and mistress Salem will cleanse it, mistress Salem is power those who stand with her will be powerful will be respected feared that's all you need in life to be feared but you? I don't fear you, you make me sick stabbing mistress Salem in the back stopping her from coming here the only reason i don't draw your blood with my sword is that your somewhat useful now know your place

*Jaune threw izuku to the wooden crates breaking them making the air leave izuku's body as he was gasping and coughing in pain cinder slowly walked up to izuku looking at him with a look of superiority*

Cinder:yeah probably best if you don't mess with him or do i honestly couldn't care less what happens to you

Izuku:big words from the bitch who doesn't know where I hid the piece you oh so desperately need you two dollar whore

*Cinder frown and put her high heel foot on izuku's rib cage making him groan in pain as they were already cracked thanks to jaune cinder was making sure they actually broke*

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