chapter 2

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(This one...was fun to write)

Few days after last chapter at BUA

*we see ozpin sipping on his coffee reading some files when nezu comes inside his office*

Nezu:you want the good news or bad news?


Nezu:qrow is here he's even early

Ozpin:dear God if thats the good news what's the bad news?

Nezu:he brought his whole family

*ozpin took a big zip or his coffee before sighing*

Ozpin:bring them in

*nezu left and i came team STRQ*

Ozpin:ah if it isn't my favorite hero team where are ruby and yang?

Tai:home yang taking care of ruby

Ozpin:this really wasn't necessary I only needed to talk to qrow

Qrow:you said it was serious I thought you meant my whole team

Ozpin:well is didn't it might be best if you all wait outside

Raven:hell no whatever my brother did I want to know his mistake reflects on the brawnen name

Ozpin"oh boy"

Summer:now now raven qrows not that bad please stop telling everyone my husband is an embarrassment

Ozpin:.  .  .

*ozpin pressed a button*

Ozpin:nezu could you come here for a minute

Nezu:wish I could but I'm currently unavailable

*nezu turned his phone off*

Nezu:ain't no way I'm gonna be the one to break that news

Ozpin"damn rat!"

Tai:so ozpin what did you want to talk about?

Ozpin:qrow...there's no easy way to say this now that you are all here

Summer:what's wrong is qrow dying?!

Ozpin:if only it was that painless

*now everyone was concerened* something that could break you're team I really think you should all wait outside and let me talk to qrow alone

Summer:no were a team we've face countless villains and Grims alike whatever this is we'll deal with it together

Raven:as much as I think my brother is an annoyance Summer is right we're a team

Tai:we're not going anywhere so go ahead and tell us the news ozpin we're ready

*ozpin looked at qrow who shrugged his shoulder*

Qrow:you heard my team so go ahead Oz we can take care of anything

Ozpin:fine don't say I didn't try to help have a son

*I took a few seconds for does words to really register the first one to speak was summer*


*ozpin look at her with sympathy he really didn't want to her his favorite student but he already ripped the band-aid might as well finish and put alcohol on the wound*

Qrow:ozpin what are you talking about i..

Ozpin:inko midoriya does that name ring any bells?

*qrow paled making ozpin sigh Raven was holding her arms so hard she was cutting her skin with her nails*

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