chapter 33

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Last time

*Izuku was whistling calm thinking of his fate with Weiss when the ding of the elevator door brought him back to the real world and instantly he was pulled out of the elevator and slammed in to the ground with force izuku could feel someone's metallic hand on his head forcing him down while his hands get cuffed*

Ironwood:Izuku Midoriya aka Mr wolf you are under arrest!


*Izuku grunted as he was pulled roughly up on the ground*

Izuku:easy you bitch!

*Izuku snapped as winter didn't like that and twisted his arm hard making him wince*

Winter:how about that you scum?

*Winter said coldly izuku being the devil he is just smirked as he grunted*

Izuku:oh yeah just like that baby~

*Winter scowled and twisted harder almost dislocating izuku's shoulder as he is sat down on the chair in front of him there laid nezu and ozpin looking at him ironwood walked next to them while winter stayed behind to make sure izuku didn't try to pick the lock of his handcuffs*

Ironwood:why are we even here he did it let's just arrest him and throw him to Tartarus!

Izuku:my so trigger happy but last i check i haven't done anything too bad a few pranks here sure but something do this magnitude?

*Izuku had to fight not to roll his eyes as inko appeared giving him a look of utter disappointment*

Ozpin: izuku midoriya this are some serious allegations you might want to stop with the jokes and tell us what you did

Izuku:fine fine i was the one who switch your coffee with decaf

*Ozpin did a spite take and looked at izuku with pure fury*

Ozpin:i knew my coffee tasted different!!

*Izuku just laugh as the door slammed opened all eyes looked and saw a pissed of nemuri and a angry scowling Glynda nemuri walked up to ironwood and grabbed his tie bringing him to her eye level ironwood poked the bear and the bear woke up*


Glynda:ozpin care to tell me why the child that is under OUR care is in handcuffs and why oh why weren't we told about this until the the very last second?

*Izuku trembled a bit he doesn't know who's more scary right now nemuri or Glynda he's just thankful there on his side*

Inko:because they don't know the truth you are guilty

Izuku"fuck i told you to stop reading my mind and give me privacy!"

Inko"I'll give you privacy when you start showing me you can act like a responsible member of society"

*This made izuku angry, no angry was not the right words he was absolutely livid as he broke out is his handcuffs as if they were made of paper and instantly transformed in to his full wolf form no Mr wolf no half form this was izuku completely furious looking down at his mother as he cracked the cealing ironwood grabbed his gun but ozpin stopped him wanting to see this play out*

*This made izuku angry, no angry was not the right words he was absolutely livid as he broke out is his handcuffs as if they were made of paper and instantly transformed in to his full wolf form no Mr wolf no half form this was izuku completely fu...

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