chapter 42

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*it took some time but the rescue team managed to make it to the church looking worse for wear all 6 of them understanding izuku a little better, raven walked up in front of them looking at the children that looked traumatized*

Raven:I'm gonna take a guess you all also saw one of his memories

Toshinori;yes...we....we saw things we saw why izuku hates the schnee family

Pyrrha:we saw how izuku lost his quirk and semblance how about you two?

Nemuri:we....we saw how he lost his mother...

*Raven sighed showing a moment of sadness before her face returned to her normal serious expression*

Raven:alright i know we've all seen some real dark shit but remember why we're here to get izuku back inside here are all his good memories his inner self is no doubt there too protecting the entrance is everyone ready?

*They all nodded and walked inside instantly the sorroundings changed it was no longer dark sick and twisted but warm inviting and almost addictive, they walked around looking at the oil painting and there accompany names like, pranks with Adam, meeting Roman and neo, saving penny, nemuri smile a little as some moments with her and glynda were inside here*

Pyrrha:it looks like izuku managed to find a lot of happy moments so that's good right rubes

*Ruby didn't say anything Pyrrha looked back and ruby was gone*


*They all turned around and saw ruby jumping inside one of the memories they ran to the oil painting but it disappeared*

Pyrrha: where did it go?!

???:far away don't worry she'll be ok

*They all looked and saw Izuku inner being*

Inko:now i will ask you all nicely to leave

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Inko:now i will ask you all nicely to leave

Nemuri: we're not going anywhere without izuku!

Inko:oh then I'm afraid i can't let you too that izuku is nice and safe here

Raven:in a coma?

Inko:in his memories here he'll be able to relieve his most treasured memories and be forever safe from the outside world

Pyrrha:and never able to expirience something new other then his time with you

Inko:something new? You mean like him being experimented on that was something new or how about him being chased down like a dog that was something new maybe you mean him having to starve in hiding that was such a wonderful experience I'm sure Oh maybe you mean all does wonderful times he was shot oh your right making new experiences are so good for him

Toshinori:your cherry picking your information look around it's not only you in here he has good memories from other people too his time with this Adam character or with his new guardians nemuri and Glynda you can't tell me everything he's been through was horrible

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