chapter 54

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*izuku landed on the ground he holds his arms up and caught Weiss in them, she looked at him pissed off pinching his cheek*

Weiss:a warning would've been nice!

*Izuku chuckled and let go of Weiss softly*

Izuku:hey at least we didn't get caught right?

*Weiss kept looking at him with anger but then a giggle started to escape her lips making Izuku smile*

Izuku: exactly come on let's get change we don't exactly look innocent

Weiss:when do you ever look innocent?

Izuku:when I'm in my puppy form

Weiss:you have...

Izuku:yes i do, no you cannot see it now let's hurry

*They started to walk until they heard the sound of roaring turbines they looked up and were surprised to see a large battleship landing down on the platform as seeing this made all too familiar sight the both of them*

Izuku:wonder what iron dick wants, eh I'll figure it out later for now let's split up


Izuku: because of that

Weiss:what are you tal....

Winter:ah Weiss good to see you

*Weiss flinched and looked in front of her seeing her sister there Weiss looked around and izuku was gone, Weiss gave a breath or relief and a small smile appeared on her face*

Winter:are you looking for something? no nothing important

Meanwhile with izuku

*We see him walking in the shadow, using other people to hide doing he's best to follow ironwood and his men whatever they were doing he needed to know once ironwood entered ozpin's office izuku looked around for a way in and he found it,  but sadly someone grabbed him by his ear*

Glynda:found you!

Izuku:owowow what the hell?!

Glynda:the hell you want the hell oh I'll give you the hell how about how you destroyed the cafeteria with you're team and team RWBY!

Izuku:hey wait a minute i wasn't even there

*Glynda started pulling his ear dragging him back to the cafeteria and away from the door*

Glynda:don't try to deny it two other irresponsible teachers were they're and saw the whole thing now

*They've made it back and glynda threw izuku inside making him fall on the floor, izuku groaned and got up instantly grabbing cleaning tools that Glynda threw at him he looked around and saw the others responsible cleaning even nemuri and summer were cleaning, ruby looked at izuku and a smug smile grew on her face making izuku closed his eyes and took a deep breath*

Izuku:ruby.....shut the fuck up

Ruby:what? I haven't said anything~

Izuku:you know damn well what you're doing

Glynda:both of you shut the fuck up and get to cleaning

*Izuku sighed and started sweeping his area, it wasn't until a few minutes passed that the door opened again and in walked in a blushing embarrassed Weiss with a pissed off winter behind her Weiss looked up and saw izuku and ruby looking at her with smug smiles making her angry blush grow harder*

Weiss:s...shut up both of you!!

Izuku:but Weiss we haven't said anything have we said something oh my dear sister?

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