chapter 25

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With Pyrrha

Ozpin:my qrow i may need to reconsider having you in my employment if a first year can kick your ass so to speak

*Pyrrha looked back and saw principal ozpin vice principal nezu and teaching assistant raven*

Pyrrha: principal! I found this disgrace of a man harassing ruby he must be punished!

Ozpin:yes he'll be punish raven grab your brother

Raven:do i have to?

Ozpin:if you want a paycheck this week yes

*Raven groan and went to grab her brother while Pyrrha was lost in her mind*

Pyrrha"wait...this is raven's brother...raven is ruby's aunty...oh shit!"

Pyrrha:p..principal i..i..i didn't know....

Raven:relax kid you're not in trouble the asshole deserved it believe me

Qrow:yeah love you too sis

*Qrow coughed up a mix of blood and booze*

Raven:i don't remember saying i love you, you disgrace father would be ashamed of you

Pyrrha:If you don't mind me asking what did he do?

Ozpin:is not our place to tell miss Nikos

Pyrrha:p.. please sir i need to know to help ruby

Raven:oh? And why do you need to help her?

Pyrrha: she's my friend what other reason would i have apart from that?

Raven:if it's only that then no

Pyrrha:...we...had a fight...

Raven:tell me about the fight and i might tell you about why ruby hates this SOB

Pyrrha:... It was two days ago...

Flashback Pyrrha as narrator

*Ruby and me just finished torturing i mean helping izuku with his training izuku left us alone i saw ruby's phone ringing but she just let it go to voice mail*

Pyrrha:who was that?

Ruby:my dad...

*Ruby's tone was flat and uncaring and that just didn't sit well with me*

Pyrrha:and you're not gonna talk to him?

Ruby:no and i have no plans to talk to him for a long time maybe forever!

Pyrrha:ruby you're being childish


*Pyrrha looked at the brawnen siblings as they winced*

Raven:yeah that's her trigger word

Pyrrha:trust me i know...i wished I knew before i doubled down

Back to the flashback

Ruby:what did you just call me?!

Pyrrha;well I'm sorry but that is what you're being you can't just ignore your father because he hurt your feelings!

Ruby:don't you dare say that you don't know anything that he did to me to my mother to my whole family!!

Pyrrha:that's because you're being a bitch and refuse to tell me!! If you're this childish you shouldn't have come to this academy!!

*Ruby flinched and I stopped as I saw ruby started to cry*

*Ruby flinched and I stopped as I saw ruby started to cry*

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