chapter 34

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With team RWBY

*Things were tense between the team yang was still pissed off at blake, ruby wasn't talking to yang and Blake....was being Blake reading her books without a care*

Announcer:Weiss schnee to the principal office i repeat Weiss schnee to the principals office

Yang:did you do something Weiss?

Weiss:of course not who do you take me for?! But i can't say im unhappy about leaving this room seriously you 3 need to kiss and make up or else it will affect our teamwork

Yang:how can I be in a team with a backstabber?!

*Yang said glaring a Blake who just licked her finger and flipped to the next page of her book*

Weiss:i don't care find a way to make up!

*Weiss got up and walked away with a sigh of relief of being out of that room walking to the principal office she saw izuku walking towards her she flinched a bit and tried to play it cool she crossed her arms and flipped her hair but izuku ignored her and kept walking*

Weiss:. . . Did he just ignored me...ME?!!

*Weiss started walking up to him wanting an explanation*

Announcer:again Weiss schnee to the principal office Weiss schnee to the principal office

*Weiss growled glaring at the increasingly smaller izuku and pointed at him*

Weiss:this isn't over!

*Weiss turned around and walked to the elevator she got on and waited tapping her foot her arm crossed genuinely pissed off when the door opened she was surprised to see her sister there*

Weiss:winter ? What are you doing here? Did something happen?

Winter: that's what I want to know tell me where were you on Saturday?

*Weiss flinched and started to sweat*

Weiss"i can't tell her i was with izuku she'll kill me! No even worse she'll have this over my head and never let me live it down!"

Weiss:i....i was off studying in the library

Nezu:really now? Because the library was close for repairs all this week

Weiss:i know that's why I went to A different Library!

Ozpin:and were you alone?

Weiss:y...yes yes I was alone

Winter:you are a terrible liar did you forget i was there on the opera Saturday with the family i saw you

*Now Weiss was really nervous*

Weiss:i..i.. I LOSED A BET!!

Ironwood: elaborate

Weiss:me and izuku Midoriya made a bet i lost and my punishment was to go on a date with him wasn't bad he took me to the opera i had a good time

Ironwood:but how did he afford

Weiss:that was a nice touch you see


Weiss:why are we going to the back stage?

Izuku:you asked how i got VIP tickets so I'm gonna show you how

*They stopped at a door with a huge buff man guarding the door he looked down at the two*

Izuku:hey is fu there? Tell her it's Mr wolf

*The man said nothing as he walked inside after a few seconds the door opened and izuku walked inside he looked at Weiss who was just standing there surprised*

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