chapter 63

453 14 4

Few days later

*Izuku was flipping through a magazine, Ren was checking his weapon, Nora was playing on her phone while she rested on ren's lap, and Pyrrha? She was sulking on the floor because bed was too good for a coward like her*

Izuku:the dance is a few days away who are you guys going with?

Ren:im going with Nora

Nora:yeah we're going as friends

Izuku:never knew friends have sex when they're alone


Ren:never knew someone could be cured of what was it a cold? In less then a week

Izuku;....i guess friends with benefits does exist

*Izuku said looking back to his book a smile on his face as he has that nice needle in his pocket dimension*

Ren:and you?

Izuku:Weiss decided to go on a "pity" date with me to prom as she called it

Nora:you two have such a weird relationship

Izuku: this coming from the couple that regularly have relationships everywhere even while in class? ring ring, hello this is pot? Hey it's me kettle, oh hi kettle what's going on?  I just like to say that your black, well i would like to say that I've been fucking you wife

*They could keep going and probably would if it wasn't for the sound of sniffling*

Izuku:still couldn't do it huh?


*Izuku sighed, he got up and walked away. Pyrrha looked confused until her eyes widen when izuku came back a little later dragging ruby by her wrist, ignoring her questions*

Ruby:izu i was busy maintaining my weapon!

Izuku: Pyrrha has something to tell you


*Ruby looked at Pyrrha who was blushing deeply*'s nothing! Nothing that can't wait! should go and maintain crescent rose, i know how important she is do you!

Izuku:she's lying

*Pyrrha glared at izuku the same way she glared at yang, a look that promised death but Izuku was unfazed as his phone rang. He looked at who was calling him showing no emotion in his face*

Izuku;excuse me i have to take this. Pyrrha either you tell her now or I'll tell her when she walks out, this stopped being funny a week ago

*Izuku walked out leaving them there, Ren and Nora slipped to the bathroom so not to be there*

Ruby:so...what do you want to talk about?

Meanwhile with izuku

*He placed the phone to his ear with a smile on his face and another mask on his face*

Izuku:hello Jayne

Jaune:it's jaune. Jaune Arc

Izuku:oh my apologies, so what do you have for me?

Jaune:cinder is planning on doing something the night of the dance, she didn't tell me a whole lot then that. Just that she'll be close to finishing her plan

*A slow smile started to appear on izuku's face until he was grinning from ear to ear*

*A slow smile started to appear on izuku's face until he was grinning from ear to ear*

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