chapter 26

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Last time

the dinner door opened and in came Nora, she looked around and smiled waving at izuku making his heart drop to his stomach*


*izuku swore all the color left his body as he saw Coco's body flinched as she crushed her cup with her hand and slowly her and the rest of the group got up and turned around*

Izuku: . . . can i pay you all a piece of pie i hear this place is world famous


*Izuku and penny were slowly walking back as team cfvy we're coming closer izuku looked at the clock*

Izuku: still a few hours to go huh

Coco:you're not getting away this time you bastard

Izuku:eh i always have a escape plan

Coco:not this time the only way out is through the door behind me and

*Coco points to Yatsuhashi blocking the exit his arm crossed izuku puts his hands in his pocket*

Izuku:my oh my that is a pickle isn't it penny?

Penny:yes quite the problem i also can't just destroy a wall or something since then ironwood would get mad

Izuku:hm chances for me are looking grim quite grim

*Izuku's back was now against the wall as coco had a evil smile on her as izuku just smiled back*

Izuku:question ladies and gentlemen which is the most dangerous card in a deck?

Adelfox:excuse me?

Izuku:you're excused now since i excused you you'll allow me to excuse myself and my friend

*Izuku took one step forward but coco aims her gun right at izuku's chest*

Coco:you move one more inch

Izuku:right right the most dangerous card in a deck does anybody know what it is?

Nora:oh oh oh the ace!

Izuku:no my dear that's the most important card this is the most dangerous

*Izuku took a deck of cards from his pocket and showed it to them*

*Izuku took a deck of cards from his pocket and showed it to them*

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Velvet:the joker?

Izuku:yes this is the most dangerous card in the hole deck anyone can tell me why?

Coco:can you tell me why i don't just shoot you right now?

Izuku:cause you're curious i can see it in you're eyes curious of the powers this single card possessive search deep inside yourself you know it to be true

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