the end part 1

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*izuku woke up with a stretch with a smile on his face as he reached the end of the line*

Izuku:Well they're building a gallows outside my cell I've got 25 minutes to go

*Izuku hummed to himself as he looked out the window, it was still dark with the sun starting to come from the east*

Izuku:And the whole town's waitin' just to hear me yell I've got 24 minutes to go

*with a yawn izuku kissed ruby's cheek and got up leaving her there alone with the blankets, izuku walked around the school feeling kinda nostalgic off all the memories he made in the last year*

Izuku:Well they gave me some beans for my last meal I've got 23 minutes to go

*izuku made it back to his room seeing Pyrrha and the rest already up getting ready for the morning workout*

Pyrrha: where have you been?

Izuku:sleeping with ruby on the couch she's still there if you want to cuddle with her

*In a blur Pyrrha disappeared making izuku chuckle. He glanced at Nora and Ren now that Pyrrha was gone they both went straight to sleep again. Izuku with nothing better to do went to his bed and joined them*

Izuku"But nobody asked me how I feel I've got 22 minutes to go"

*Izuku grabbed his phone and texted his cousin yang*

Izuku:Pyrrha and ruby are sleeping together in the couch

*Izuku smirked as he could hear the fire coming from yang's hair next door and went to sleep*

Scene change

Izuku:Well I sent for the governor and the whole dern bunch with 21 minutes to go

Ruby:what you say Zuku?

Izuku:oh nothing just humming a song

*izuku said smiling at ruby who smiled back,We see both teams in the bleachers watching the a kid named Mercury fight against a girl named emerald. The second emerald lost izuku got up*

Izuku:I'm gonna get some food to eat I'll be right back

Nora:get me some pancakes!

Izuku: I'll see what I can do but don't hold your breath Nora, And I sent for the mayor but he's out to lunch I've got 20 more minutes to go

*Izuku whistled as he walked away to the food festival outside the arena. Izuku walked around looking for something to eat, old habits die hard so izuku was counting all the cámaras in the place*

Izuku:Then the sheriff said boy I gonna watch you die got 19 minutes to go

Ruby; izuku wait up!

*Izuku turned around smiling at his sister who caught up to him breathing heavily*

Ruby:how to people run without superspeed?!

Izuku:i wouldn't know, so what sup aren't you gonna see the next fight?

Ruby: I will but I got hungry want to have lunch together?

Izuku:if you don't mind me singing every once in a while sure

Ruby;sweet let's get some ramen!

*Ruby grabbed izuku's hand and dragged him to the ramen stand as if she was the an Uzumaki*

Izuku"well she does have red hair heh"

Izuku:So I laughed in his face and I spit in his eye got 18 minutes to go

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