chapter 50

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*when izuku made it back to Eri and team RWBY with a warm fake smile putting the problems with cinder and emerald at the back of his head*

Izuku:greeting ladies i must say you all look lovely

*Izuku looked at blake smirking as izuku bowed to her*

Izuku;and you sir look quite dashing

*Yang snorted as Blake frowned, izuku turned around grabbing Eri in his hands*

Izuku:now! Let's have a great time before bringing this little trouble maker home

Eri:i want that!

*Izuku looked where Eri was pointing and it was one of the carnaval games the prize a huge unicorn plushie*

Izuku:but of course honey whatever you want

Hours later

*We see team RWBY following izuku who had Eri on his arm yawning as the sun was setting, they've made it to eri's home and there was Ibara Shiozaki waiting for them with an annoyed smile*

Ibara:welcome back Mr. Wolf and hello again team RWBY

Yang:again? Do we know each other

Izuku:. . .she goes to our school rock for brains SHE'S also training to be a huntress

*Yang blushed embarrassed and ruby walked up to Ibara and gave Ibara her hand*

Ruby;it's good to see you again and I'm sorry for my cousin's she's the brawn of the group

*Ibara grabbed her hand and gave ruby a smile and shook her hand,

Ibara:is quite alright so Mr wolf i see you have the resident trouble maker in you're hands

Izuku:a very cute trouble maker you can't deny that

Ibara: she's Lucky she's cute or else she would be in so much trouble, you can put her on her room you know where it is and I'm more then sure the kids will be thrilled to see there favorite person

Izuku:oh well I'm sure i could spend a few moments with the children

*Izuku walked inside while team RWBY stayed with Ibara who gave a breathless chuckling smile*

Ibara:you can tell he really love children

Weiss:excuse me would you mind if you could clear something up for me?

Ibara:please ask away and I'll try my best to answer you

Weiss:does...does izuku donate his money here?

*Ibara gave a small giggle and then a very happy smile*

Ibara:my mother once told him he is the most wonderful person and izuku just said that she's greatly confused, before izuku came this and many more orphanages we're barely holding by my mother sometimes couldn't eat Since we simply didn't have the money to buy food, then izuku came and...

*Tears started to fall from Ibara's face, Blake gives her a handkerchief, Ibara takes it and cleans his tears*

Ibara:my mother was right izuku is the most wonderful person, over the years he has giving this orphanage and many other huge amounts of money enough....enough so i can follow my dreams and be a pro hunter i never thought i could ever do that since i used to be the only other person to help my mother but ever since izuku gave his most generous of donations my mother has been able to hire more workers and it allowed me to follow my dreams, izuku may deny it but he's earned his place in the heavens

*Team Rwby had many different emotions the best one was ruby who had such a proud smile on her face, yang was whisling impressed, Blake was surprised even if him and her disagree on the stance of the white fang she can at least respect izuku for this as for Weiss....*

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