chapter 72

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Night time

*After izuku took his nap he woke up to the sounds of Nora being Nora. He got up and got dressed with a simple red tie and a black suit*

Ren:so where are you going?

Izuku;eh nowhere special just need to pick something up from an old place of mine

Ren:and we should believe you why?

Izuku:believe whatever you want it makes no difference to me, just like it makes no difference to Nora that girl that gave you her number

Nora;.  .  .what?

*Nora said in a terrifyingly calm tone that brought the fear of God inside Ren. Izuku smirked and walked off to give his favorite couple some space. Once out the door and by himself his smile all but left as what he's about to do has nothing happy about it but it's necessary if not all his plans might fail and he can't let that happen*

Scene change

Music:I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt I've been searching for a trail to follow again Take me back to the night we met

*Izuku parked his car and got out of the car looking at the place he hasn't been since he was young*

*The apartment complex he used to live with his mother, the last place he ever saw his real mother alive

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*The apartment complex he used to live with his mother, the last place he ever saw his real mother alive. With a shaky sigh he started walking inside, looking around he could almost see memories of him and his mother. Izuku kneeled down and placed back up a bottle with a small flower inside it*

???:can I help you?

Izuku: no you cannot. I'm.....just visiting someone

???:here? This place has been condemned for over 30 years it's filled with more Filth, Grimm mold...

*Izuku threw money at the grifter and like magic he was gone. Izuku didn't let that change his feeling as he opened the old rusted up door and walked inside*

Music:And then I can tell myself What the hell I'm supposed to do And then I can tell myself Not to ride along with you

*Izuku walked passed the cockroaches and rats and moved up stairs slowly making it back to his apartment, each step getting heavier then the last, with each step a mask would fall off from his face since this was something the real izuku had to do no mask, no gimmicks, no fake plans. No this was izuku Midoriya visiting his mother. He made it to the door and took out his old key*

Music:I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met

*Izuku unlocked the door and walked inside looking at the room of his old home in horrible state just as he left it when he left*

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