Chapter 74

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Hours later

*It was getting late but izuku was nowhere near from BUA, he got a called and he answered*

Izuku:izuku mido...izuku goodwitch speaking

Pyrrha:izuku where are you? Everyone else is already at the dorm

Izuku: visiting the goodwitch went long i probably won't be there until 2 in the morning don't worry I'll be there for the morning. Trust me nothing is gonna stop me tomorrow

Pyrrha:alright just be careful ruby won't tell you this but she worries about you

Izuku:that's nice. But relax I'll be fine, i gotta go I'll see you all tomorrow

*Izuku hung up before Pyrrha could say anything else not having the mental strength to deal with them after the goodwitch outcome, he did the only thing he could to relax and just enjoyed the drive listening to music as the soft sound of the raindrops clashing with his car filled the air

Izuku: You gave me shoulder when I
Needed it You showed me love when I Wasn't feeling it You helped me fight when I Was giving in And you made me laugh when I was losing it....

Scene change

*Izuku made it to his location and walked inside the dark abandoned warehouse*

Izuku:you know it wouldn't kill you to have this meetings somewhere more...well better like a nice hotel

*The lights turned on and out came cinder and her henchman. Cinder crossed her arms leaning against the table*

Cinder:your in no position to decide were we meet up as long as you want my help

Izuku:well if we're being technical i really only need emerald's help but I'm not stupid enough to believe that she would help me unless you tell her too

*Izuku walked up standing next to jaune who kept a serious frown on his face*

Jaune:so tomorrow's the day... tomorrow BUA falls

Mercury:not just BUA all of vale will fall man i can't wait

Izuku:hm. So many innocent people live will never be the same again so many death so much....justice is the best way i can say that

*Izuku said with a mix of a cackle and a smile looking down at the map and plan for tomorrow*

Cinder:yes, but izuku don't you forget our agreement

*Izuku smirked walking to cinder grabbing her hand and bowing while kissing that hand*

Izuku:of course not my dear after you help me with my mission I'll help you with yours. Once what i have plan is done it will create the perfect distraction for you and then well....

*Izuku silver eye shined as the map of vale was burned with white fire, showing izuku wasn't all that truthful with ruby hiding some....features his silver eyes gave him*

Izuku:the world will be that much closer of being yours

Cinder:lovely. Then lets go over the plan one final time to make sure no one screws up

Izuku:i think he was talking to you there buddy

*Izuku said looking at mercury who frowned looking back at him. They've spend a good hour going over there plan as cinder will not accept any mistake not when she's this close to her goal, a goal she will never see if izuku has his say in it. At the end izuku volunteered in to giving jaune a ride home, and that's where we see our protagonist now*

Jaune:she disgust me...

*Jaune said with a growl thinking over that meeting with cinder it made him sick to his stomach*

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