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you and kit broke up 1 month ago. the two of you had a rocky patch, but in the end, you and he decided to be friends. The rocky patch consisted of fights, never hanging out together, and just not talking. because the two of you were always gone filming you never got to spend time with each other and you just ended up losing feelings. every once in a while you will get a text from him asking how you are, and you return those favors every so often. but this text you just received was different. it was a message from kit asking if you wanted to go to a party with him and Yaz this evening. you would've said Yaz even if she wasn't coming. he said that he would be by at 8 to pick you up. It was 6 so you decided that you should probably take a shower and get ready. so you did. you finished getting ready around 7:30 so you sat on the couch and scrolled on TikTok for a few minutes. a know occurred at the door, and when you opened it expecting to see kit and Yaz, it was just kit. you furrowed your brow signaling that you were confused and he let out a sigh letting me know he would explain it. 

"Yaz isn't here because I needed to talk to you, and if I had just asked you to go to a party with me without saying your best friend would be there. I wasn't sure you'd say yes."

you knew that you would've gone if she wasn't invited but, you didn't need to let him know that.

"Okay", you said moving your arm almost pointing in your apartment to let him know that he could come in. 

he walked in and took off his shoes, and sat on the couch. you could tell he had something on his mind, but you couldn't quite pinpoint it. you sat down on the sofa across from him to give him space. 

"Something has been on my mind since we broke up," he said.

you couldn't tell where this was supposed to be going. 

"all I've been thinking about is how much I regretted it" when he said that you felt a blush rise on your face.

you sat there in shock staring at him for a solid 15 seconds before he came to the sofa you sat on. he sat right next to you, shoulder to shoulder. you turned to face him, your breath was staggering.

"me too."

you hated to admit it, but it was true you really did miss him, those late-night phone calls were to die for.

"well then", he stated " ready to go to the party?"

"yes sir!"

when you and him arrived at the party you walked hand in hand.

Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now