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It was around 5 am and you couldn't fall asleep so you just decided to take your dog, Scout, on a walk. You got changed and needed to tell Kit that you were going to take scout on a walk. 

You walked to his side of the bed and told him you were going to take Scout on a walk because you couldn't sleep. 

He hummed in response and then told you "be safe."

His voice was raspy, you were gonna ask him if he felt okay but he was already asleep. You left the house with Scotch on her leash. You were gone for about half an hour. You let Scotch off her leash and kissed her. You gave her food and water and went up to your room. When you walked in Kit was sitting up and his head was resting in his hands.

"Hey are you okay", you asked knowing that he was not okay.


"You don't seem okay. What's wrong."

"My head, stomach, and throat hurt."

You sat on the bed in front of him and pulled him in for a hug. You scratched the back of his head. 

"Lay down, I will go get you some medicine."

"don't get me the nasty kind."

"I promise I won't."

You went to the bathroom to get him an Advil and a coughing/sore throat pill. You brought the pills to him and a cup of water to help him swallow. He sat up and took the medicine coughing after doing so. You sat on the bed next to him.

"Can you lay with me?"

"I don't know I don't want to get sick."

"Please it will make me feel better."

"Okay but let me change first okay."

He nodded and you went to change into comfy clothes. You got into bed with him. He laid right next to you on his side and laid his head in between your body and your arm that was around him. You rubbed his head getting a shaky breath out of him. You knew he didn't feel good because he was never usually this cuddly. He was still awake but almost asleep when you put your hand to his head to check if he has a fever. You moved the hair out of his face with your hand and kissed his head. Because it was still early in the morning you decided to try to fall asleep. You successfully did so and woke up to a coughing Kit. You looked at the clock and read it, it was 10 am and you had to get up now.

"I've got to get up Kit."

"Why", he whined not wanting you to leave.

"I won't leave you today but I can't stay in bed all day."

He mumbled okay and shoved his head into the pillow. You ate some food and went back upstairs. The golden review Scotch followed you up the stairs. You climbed into bed and lay down, before Kit could cuddle next to you Scotch took the position. But she cuddled up next to kit. She was able to make a big smile come to his face which seemed to make him feel a bit better. He and Scotch fell asleep next to each other making your day.

Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now