moving in:)

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you and kit were finally going to move into apartment together. you had been dating for 2 years and we're ready for a bigger step, not as big as buying a house though. kit had already gotten his stuff in the apartment this morning, you decided to take a break and get your stuff moved into the house later. later had finally come and you were dreading it.
while sat in the car out your new apartment you said "do we have to do this?"
"do you want to live with me", he replied sarcastically.
you moaned unhappily and unbuckled you seat getting out of the car. you and him started dragging things up to the second highest floor of the building where you apartment was held. of course it had to be all the way up their.
you and him had finally brought everything up. now just to unpack them. you started with the smallest boxes figuring it would be easier to do it that way. you and him quickly found out it would be easier to do the big stuff.
"this sucks", kit stated. he walked over to the couch almost tripping over boxes and flopped on the couch. his head was buried in a pillow and laid on his stomach.
"it does", you said walking over him. you laid on top of him. you felt him relax his muscles and let out a big breath.
"why does this have to be time consuming" he questioned into the pillow.
"it wouldn't be if we didn't have so much random crap. but in the end i know all this random crap will make it look good."
"you right, at least our crap has good taste."
you laughed at you and his new way of using crap. you sat up and went over to where you left unboxing things.
he hummed in response.
"do you want to go start our bedroom so we can go to bed?"
he slowly got off of the couch and walked to the bedroom with you. because you bedroom only held a few things it was pretty fast to do. other than the closet.
"are we gonna start the closet today", kit asked you.
"absolutely not."
you jumped face first into the bed and hurried up ourself under the covers. kit getting the hint that you wanted to go to bed shut the light off and got under the covers with you. you turned to face him. he grabbed your waist and pulled you in. his hands slipped under you shirt and slowly rubbed you back. you let out shaky breath finally relaxing. you could feel him shiver from your cold breath. you hands moved down the the hem of his shirt and played with it.
"goodnight kit, i love you."
"live you more y/n."
you and him fell asleep underneath the cover's happily.

happy friday the 13th
love you

Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now