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It was Sunday and you were getting ready for brunch with your mom, dad, brother, and sister. They just happened to be in town and wanted to get together with just you to meet up. It was just you and your cat in the apartment. Kit went to the gym with one of his friends around 2 hours ago, you figured he should be back before you leave in half an hour. You sat at the vanity finishing up your look by putting on small dainty gold jewelry, not too much. You were staring in the mirror admiring yourself when a door opened downstairs. You knew it was Kit since he was the only one with the key to the apartment other than you.

"Where are you love", he yelled from downstairs.

"In our room", you replied back.

You heard heavy stomps on the stairs as you looked at the door waiting for him to come in. He walked into your room still sweaty, his skin looked sticky and his hair was wet. 

You looked him up and down apprehensively and said "you look great."

"I always do."

You chuckled at his remark and went back to looking at your self in the mirror. Kit sat down on the bed behind you, you could see him through the mirror looking at you.

"What are you looking at", you questioned.

"You", he responded confidently.

You blushed and looked down at your lap to hide your face.

He stood up from the bed and stood behind you placing his hands on the chair.

"Why do you have to go?"

"If I don't go then my parents will shunn me for the rest of my life."

"Good point."

You laughed at him and turned to look at him. 

"You should probably shower you are really sweaty. Its nasty."

"I thought you liked it when I looked like this? My body practically glisenting."

You cringed at his bad joke. 

You stood up, you patted his wet shirt, "For sure."

You secretly knew that he looked a little to good like that but would never admit it. You started to walk off to your nightstand to grab your phone, watch, etc. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you and lifted you into the air. 

"Kit put me down", you squealed.

You struggled trying to get out of his arms, he placed you on the ground and fell back on the bed laughing. 

"Now I probably smell like a sweaty boy", you complained.

"No trust me you smell like makeup and perfume."

You looked at him and stood between his legs. You grabbed his arm sitting him up. He wrapped his arms around you waist pulling you in. Your hands went to his jaw and gently moved his head so he was looking at you.

"When I get back I am expecting a clean Kit. Not a sweaty one that smells like the gym."

"You got it ma'am."

"Thats what I thought", you smirked. 

You leaned down to kiss him. You both smiling into the kiss, his wet hair touhed you forehead. You jerked away. He looked at you with a confused and offened look.

"You hair touched my face and grossed me out. Nothing personal though."

He grunted to getting one more kiss. This time you hands moved his head upward forcefully so he was looking straight up, now his wet hair wouldn't touch you face. Your lips moved in sync, he mouth tasted like a protein shake, and his lips were extremely soft. You realesed the lock that his lips had on yours and checked the time on you watch. 

"I have to get going", you said walking out of the door "I love you."

He pouted "I love you too."

You stopped at the door frame to look back at him.

"Go get in the shower Kit", you chuckled.

Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now