lazy day:)

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you decided to be lazy today and watch movies all day without kit being home you had nothing else to do. kit was out with his mom because she wanted to hang out with him today. you had no objections of course you wanted him to be with his mom. kit didn't want to go, he said that he'd rather hang out with you. you told him that he gets to see you everyday and his mom never gets to see him anymore, plus you'd be here when he gets home. you hadn't done much matching movie though, you were on your phone all day. it was around 4 when you heard something unlocking the door. kit opened the door, by the look of his face you could tell that he was happy to be home. he dropped everything down on the floor, not bothering to even put any of it at least on the counter. he walked to the living room to the couch where you lay.
"shoes off the rug", you said.
you laid in the corner of the couch and you were covered by a blanket. kit without taking off his shoes threw himself on the couch. his head laid on your stomach his body in between you legs. he lifted his legs up and grabbed his shoes and threw them across the room.
"you good?"
he grunted in response, he lifted up his body and moved till his head was resting on your collar bone.
"what movie are you watching?"
"idk, haven't really been watching it."
"can we put something else on so we can watch it together?"
"of course", you replied.
you turned on mean girls, a classic. you started watching and not even 10 minutes in you heard light snores coming from your left. you looked down to see a dazed kit. his mouth was parted open and his hair was a mess. it covered you eyes and it made you laugh slightly. you moved a hand up to his face and moved his hair out of his face. when you moved the hair out of his face his eyebrows furrowed from the could touch of your face. you admired him, you couldn't believe someone like him would want to be with you. you couldn't pay attention to the movie with him laying on you. so you decided to go sleep. you moved your body so you were in a more comfortable position. he moved around you getting comfortable, you held him in your arms getting goosebumps from his cold breath. you gladly fell asleep with him in your arms.

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