umbrella academy:)

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Today the new season of your favorite show came out. Umbrella Academy. You've been waiting for the new season for what seems like forever. When it hit midnight on the 22nd of June 2022 you were already on Netflix clicking the show to watch the new season. And right there next to you was Kit, ready to be confused. Kit had never seen the show before and you never had time to watch the first two seasons with him. But Kit loved you, so he told you he'd watch the new season with you even if had not the slightest clue as to what was going on. 

So there were the two of your wrapped in blankets like burritos, popcorn in hand ready to watch the new season.

"Ready", you asked him.

"Yep", he said sounding half asleep.

Granted it was midnight and he had to get up early that day for work, so expectedly he was tired.

"You can go to bed if you want, I can watch it alone."

"No, no, no I want to watch it with you."

"You sure?"


"Ok", you smiled into the blanket. 

You leaned your shoulder on him ready to relax and watch your show, but before you knew it you were anything but relaxed.


"Calm down love it's just a show."

"I know but it's just .... UGHHH! How can you be so STUPID?"

"We all ask the same questions never with any answers", he chuckled.

You were 5 episodes in and could barely keep your eyes open. Kit took the remote from the blankets that were draped over your body and paused the television.

"I think we should go to bed"

"I think your right", you yawned.


here's a little update for yall

bye hoes:)

Kit Connor ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now