movie theater :)

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watching movies at home from the comfort of your couch isn't as interesting as watching them with other people around, you can listen to peoples theory's and being in an environment where you can see and listen to people's reactions and emotions is thrilling to Kit, not so much to you though. you were more of a wait till it comes out on a streaming device and then watch it. you loved being enclosed in your safe home, being able to google any questions you have without being judged for it. but this time, Kit was dragging you to see the newest Marvel movie. Dr.Strange in the multiverse of madness.

You have to admit, you were pretty excited to see it, your favorite superhero was Dr.Strange; but, you didn't do much watching at the movie theater tonight. well, at least you didn't.

In the movie theater, there were middle seats and seats seated on the left and the right. You and Kit sat on the left side where the light of the big screen didn't shine super bright on you. There were also no people in front for a couple of rows and nobody behind, or beside you. It was pretty much you and him. You and he sat next to each other with popcorn, candy, and a drink in hand. You didn't eat anything though because it was all stale, the Coke was pretty good though.


"Yah", he said scrolling through the movie's rotten tomatoes.

"Are we really about to be wasting 2 hours of our life watching this?"

"We are not going to be wasting our life, this movie is going to be great."

"The score isn't very high though."

"That's because it was probably a bunch of new Marvel fans that have set the bar unbelievably high."

"I guess we'll have to see right?"

"Yes ma'am."

There were two ads one for Top Gun and one for Avatar 2. They looked like movies you would watch from home. The movie started and from all the spinning it gave you a headache so you looked away, it went away so you were able to look back.

About halfway through the movie, you were getting really bored so you just turned and watched Kit's facial expressions during the movie. He realized you were more focused on him than the movie and that you were staring.

He looked at you blushing," stop looking at me", he whispered in your ear trying to be quiet for those watching. 

"Why? You are so much cooler to look at than the movie."

"I know I am," he said with a smirk bigger than his ego, "but don't make it so obvious."

"No", you said with a big pouty lip on your face.

You looked at him for only a little bit longer just to spite him before turning your attention back to the movie. You leaned your head on his shoulder grabbing his free hand and tracing his veins. You played with the rings on his finger, when he realized what you were doing he transferred all the rings from the other hand to the hand you were playing with; he didn't want you to get bored. The movie was finally done and it was the credits so you could get up to go home, finally. You started to stand up but Kit pulled you right back down into your seats.

"They do post-credit scenes, to give you clues as to what the next movie might be."

"Okay. Are all movies like this?"


The lights were still out and you hadn't gotten a kiss all night so you figured now was your chance. He was still watching the credits waiting for the new scene to show up. You put your hand on his jaw and abruptly turned your head toward you kissing him. He pulled away at first shocked before going back in quieter this time, he didn't want to disturb anybody. His hands traveled from their place in your lap to your jaw. You saw that the scene had shown up and Kit still hadn't noticed. You pulled away and he tried to go in for more but you nodded your head towards the screen showing that it was on. He watched the screen and once it was done the lights were still off, apparently waiting for the last scene. He kissed you once, he opened his eyes slowly to look directly into yours. 

"I love you", you stated as the last scene turned on.

"What I feel for you goes beyond love y/n."


i seriously cannot believe that i got to this spot

12k in 6 days

i started this book 6 days ago and i already cant believe its gone this far:)


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